Table of Contents

RF1: Weak decays of b and c quarks

Conveners: Angelo Di Canto (BNL), Stefan Meinel (University of Arizona)

Mailing list: SNOWMASS-RPF-01-HEAVY-QUARKS@FNAL.GOV. To subscribe, send an email to listserv[at], with blank subject line and with the text SUBSCRIBE SNOWMASS-RPF-01-HEAVY-QUARKS FIRSTNAME LASTNAME in the body. Alternatively, enter your information here

Slack channel: rpf-01-heavy-quarks. If you are not already a member of the snowmass2021 Slack workspace, you can ask one of the conveners to send you an invitation.

Topical group report

The topical group report is available at arXiv:2208.05403. Please contact the conveners with any comments/feedback.


Physics topics and mandate

This Topical Group will address experimental and theoretical aspects concerning

The goal is to identify the priorities and challenges and establish a roadmap for the next decades, from ongoing and planned experiments to future colliders/facilities.

Community survey

If you are interested in weak decays of b or c quarks, please complete this short survey. We look forward to hearing about your ideas!

Contributions received to date

LOIs tagged with RF1:

First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

Other relevant LOIs:
Contributed papers:
