Status of the Snowmass Report: Complete!

Dear Snowmass Colleagues, The 2021 Snowmass Community Planning Exercise has now concluded with the sharing of our final report with the community. It has also been made available to the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel, also known as P5 and the National Academy Study, Elementary Particle Physics: Progress and Promise, a.k.a. EPP-2024

You can access the final report, topical group reports, whitepapers, and other material at Snowmass Proceedings

Preparation Site for the Snowmass Report

Overall timeline of reports including Topical Group reports, Frontier Reports, and Full Reports

1. Snowmass Summary for the Public (2 pages) [audience: everyone]

2. Snowmass Summary Report (~50 pages) [audience: Snowmass community, science community, funding agencies]

  1. Executive Summary: ~10 pages
  2. Introduction
  3. 10 Frontier Executive Summaries (a few pages per Frontier)
  4. Executive Summaries of Multi-Frontier Topics
  5. Conclusion

3. Snowmass Book (~500 pages) [audience: Snowmass community + P5 Committee] (see Snowmass 2013 Report)

  1. Snowmass Summary Report (~50 pages)
  2. Frontier Summaries (< 50 pages per Frontier)
  3. Multi-Frontier Topic Summaries (~10 pages per Topic)

4. Reports of Ten Frontiers [audience: Frontiers & Topical Groups] - web based (see Snowmass 2013 webpage)

5. Reports of Multi-Frontier Topics [audience: Frontiers & Topical Groups]

6. Contributed Papers