Table of Contents


Frontier Conveners

Name Institution email
Laura BaudisUniversity of Zurichlaura.baudis[at]
Jeter HallSNOLABJeter.Hall[at]
Kevin LeskoLawrence Berkeley National Laboratoryktlesko[at]
John OrrellPacific Northwest National Laboratoryjohn.orrell[at]

Liaison from Snowmass Early Career:


This topic crosscuts several scientific Frontiers. Underground_Facilities_and_Infrastructure covers requirements for underground science to succeed, including underground lab development, low background methods, and interdisciplinary synergies.

Topical groups


Submitted LOIs

Letters of Intent submitted to Underground Facilities (as primary frontier) shown in this link. Here is the list of submitted LOIs that include UF as primary or secondary topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

<hidden click here to view LoIs submitted to this frontier> </hidden>