Interface | Description |
Clusterable |
Interface for n-dimensional points that can be clustered together.
Class | Description |
CentroidCluster<T extends Clusterable> |
A Cluster used by centroid-based clustering algorithms.
Cluster<T extends Clusterable> |
Cluster holding a set of
Clusterable points. |
Clusterer<T extends Clusterable> |
Base class for clustering algorithms.
DBSCANClusterer<T extends Clusterable> |
DBSCAN (density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise) algorithm.
DoublePoint |
A simple implementation of
Clusterable for points with double coordinates. |
FuzzyKMeansClusterer<T extends Clusterable> |
Fuzzy K-Means clustering algorithm.
KMeansPlusPlusClusterer<T extends Clusterable> |
Clustering algorithm based on David Arthur and Sergei Vassilvitski k-means++ algorithm.
MultiKMeansPlusPlusClusterer<T extends Clusterable> |
A wrapper around a k-means++ clustering algorithm which performs multiple trials
and returns the best solution.
Enum | Description |
KMeansPlusPlusClusterer.EmptyClusterStrategy |
Strategies to use for replacing an empty cluster.
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