web page: Craig Levy profile
ASC Intern for summer & fall 2010.
school: Northeastern University, Boston MA
class: 2012
mentor: Sergei Chekanov
I am working on developing a method to search for new massive particles predicted by theories beyond the Standard Model. We will attempt to use jet-shapes to identify signatures of any generic neutral particle with mass on the order of TeV? .
I have been involved in developing an algorithm for defining several jet-shape variables, and using these variables in Monte-Carlo truth studies (predictions based on well-established theory) to see how we can use these variables to distinguish between interesting 'signal' jets and uninteresting 'background QCD' jets.
A public release of this program is available here: http://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/asc/statshape/ .
– CraigLevy - 09 Jul 2010
My recent talk:
Final SRP report:
doeposter.pdf final_report_craig_levy.pdf presentation_7.09.10.odp