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Setting Up SVN at ASC

Look at the WebSVN at ANL. Click on the necessary package and download it as a tar file.

To start using SVN at ANL, setup the variable SVNROOT in your .bashrc file as:

export SVNROOT=/users/svn

No, you can try to get ANL packages. This example shows how to retrieve “HighETjets” package:

svn  co  file:///$SVNROOT/HighETjets/HighETjets/trunk HighETjets

This will copy the trunk into the “HighETjets” directory. Similarly, one can retrive any package shown in WebSVN

The general rule to retrive a package is the command:

svn  co  file:///$SVNROOT/[Package]/[Package]/trunk  [Package]

where [Package] is your package name.

Making updates

If you decide to make updates of the package, use the link SoftwareDevelopmentWorkBookSVN for more information.

Generally, this is what you should do: cd inside the package (i.e., from where you can see “cmt”, “share”,“src” directories) and type:

svn update
svn  ci  -m  " put here some comment" 

Creating a new SVN package

If you setup atlas release, this variable will not be set correctly, so always check “$SVNROOT”. Then use svn commands as usual. For example, to put a new package (MyPackage), use this example:

svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /users/svn/MyPackage
svn mkdir file:///users/svn/MyPackage/MyPackage
svn import .   file:///users/svn/MyPackage/MyPackaga/trunk -m "Initial import"

or send email to me ([email protected]) to create a new directory in the svn repository. To make the package to be visible on WebSVN, send email to me and I'll synchronize this directory with the web server.

SVN setup to access CERN repository

Look at the SVN twiki As before, run the command:

/usr/kerberos/bin/kinit   [email protected]

“username” is your username at CERN. This works on SL 5x computers.

If you are using SL6x, just use:

kinit   [email protected]

Then you should export this variable:

export SVNROOT=svn+ssh:// 

In order to access a project using SSH authentication, just execute this:

$ svn co svn+ssh://<your_project>

or if you use a different username for LXPLUS:

$ svn co svn+ssh://<lxplus_username><your_project>

Or you can do this: If your name at CERN different, you should create a file “config” inside “.ssh” directory and add:

  GSSAPIAuthentication yes
  GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes
  Protocol 2
  ForwardX11 no

replace USER_NAME_AT_CERN by your actual user name at CERN).

If you are not at CERN, see configuration advice for Windows and Linux/Unix, or just log on LXPLUS at CERN:

$ ssh <your_username>

In order to access a project using https authorization, just execute this:

$ svn co<your_project>

Sergei Chekanov 2011/03/09 17:30

asc/workbook_svn.1369940005.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/18 17:13 (external edit)