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Detector description and reconstructed tags

Here we describe available reconstruction tags used by HepSim.

Fast simulations

Fast simulations use Delphes.

Tag name Detector description Documentation Available data
rfast001 FCC-v1 proposed detector description find=rfast001
rfast002 FCC-v2 proposed detector description find=rfast002
rfast003 CMS-like detector description find=rfast003
rfast004 ATLAS-like detector description find=rfast004

The file format is ROOT. Look at this description.

Full (Geant4) simulations

Full simulations use SLIC software. The geometry files with full detector descriptions are here.

Tag name Detector description Documentation / GEO files Available data View
rfull001 Original SiD detector, E(CM)=1 TeV (e+e-) (sidloi3). info description, sidloi3.heprep sidloi3.gdml.gz find=rfull001 SiD
rfull002 CEPC detector, E(CM)=250 GeV (e+e-) (sidcc1) arxiv:1604.01994, info description, sidcc1.gdml.gz, sidcc1.heprep find=rfull002  CEPC
- SiEIC1 detector for EIC, E(CM) < 141 GeV (ep, eN) (sieic1) (development) description, sieic1.gdml.gz, sieic1.heprep - EIC
rfull006 SiFFC-v4 for FCC-hh (pp, E(CM)=100 TeV). description description, sifcch4.gdml.gz find=rfull006 SiFCC
rfull007 SiFFC-v5. (pp) As SiFCC-v4 but with x4 larger HCAL cells description description, sifcch5.gdml.gz find=rfull007 SiFCC

The output file format is LCIO. The files can be read as explained here. To view geometries using ROOT geometry package, run these commands:


where “detector.gdml” is the detector geometry to be downloaded from this table (after gunzip command).

Sergei Chekanov 2016/04/29 12:57

community/hepsim/usage_detectors.1464892830.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/02 18:40 by asc