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Contributions to HepSim

Here is a list of people who contributed to the project:

  • S. Chekanov (main developer and maintainer)
  • E. May - ProMC format development, benchmarks on BlueGene/Q (ANL), Jas4pp debugging
  • K. Strand (SULI 2014) - ProMC conversion tools
  • P. Van Gemmeren - testing ProMC format
  • T. Sjöstrand - ProMC integration with Pythia8
  • P. Demin - ProMC integration with Delphes
  • I. Pogrebnyak - (U.Michigan) software validation toolkit, fastjet in Java
  • D. Wilbern (SULI 2015) - Pileup mixing tool based on ProMC
  • M. Selvaggi - Delphes card for ILD geometry
  • H. Gray - Delphes card for FCC geometry
  • J. Strube (PNNL) - LCIO/SLIC for full simulation
  • A. Kotwal (Duke Univ.) - LCIO/SLIC for full simulation
  • J. Adelman (NIU) - debugging post-Snowmass Delphes 3.3 card for 13/14 TeV
  • S. Padhi (prototyping Snowmass Delphes3.1 during Snowmass 2013)
  • K. Pedersen (alternative b-tagging for rfast003)
  • Shin-Shan Yu (heavy higgs MG5 simulations)

We also acknowledge the user support of OSG-CI (Lincoln Bryant), and help by David Champion and Rob Gardner (ATLAS-connect / MWT-Tier2).

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community/refhepsim/contributions.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/23 21:02 by asc