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BG-HEP manual

(S.Chekanov, E.May)

BG-HEP library

ANL BG-HEP library is designed to run CPU-intensive HEP calculations on the BlueGene/Q supercomputer (Vesta/Mira) of Argonne Leadership Computing Facility. The main features of the BG-HEP library are:

  • Many packages have been redesigned removing ROOT, HBOOK and CERNLIB calls
  • Monte Carlo / NLO programs redesigned to use MPI for random seeds and outputs on multiple cores
  • The default output of event records is ProMC file format

The following HEP libraries are supported:

  • CERNLIBlite - a light version of CERNLIB (without HBOOK)
  • fastjet
  • hepmc
  • lhapdf5
  • lhapdf6
  • mcfm - MCFM NLO program with ProMC output ntuples
  • jetphox - A JetPhox NLO program
  • promc
  • protobuf
  • pythia8 - Pythia8 with ProMC output ntuples
  • zlib

To setup the library, run this setup script:

source /home/chakanau/public/BG-HEP/

This will setup the above libraries. Each library has a “Makefile” which can compile and run a program on BlueGene/Q

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Sergei Chekanov 2014/02/04 10:24

hpc/bghep/manual.1391539318.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/04 18:41 by asc