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LCGCMake Installation Notes

This page documents my attempts to install the LCG software core on various non-traditional machines.

The basic installation instructions are here for a standard Scientific Linix CERN 6 installation: <html><b><a href=“” target=“_blank”>LCGCMake SLC6 Installation </a></b></html>

Installing on Cooley@ALCF

  1. Clean Cooley Login (nothing from .softrc.cooley)
  2. Create working directory
    • mkdir /path/to/lcg
    • export $LCG_PROJECT_PATH=/path/to/lcg
    • soft add +cmake
    • soft add +gcc-4.8.1
  3. Install Dependencies first:
    • mkdir dependencies
    • cd dependencies
    • mkdir install
    1. procmail
      • tar zxf procmail-3.22.tar.gz
      • cd procmail-3.22
      • edit BASENAME in Makefile to be /path/to/lcg/dependencies/install
      • make lockfile CC=$(which gcc) CXX=$(which g++)
        • press enter when prompted
        • this only compiles lockfile because other parts of this package fail, but we don't need them.
      • cd ..
      • mkdir install/bin
      • ln -s $PWD/procmail-3.22/src/lockfile $PWD/install/bin/lockfile
    2. xslt (bottom of page) (depends on libxml2)
      • git clone git://
      • cd libxslt
      • ./configure –with-python –with-libxml-prefix=/path/to/lcg/dependencies/install –prefix=/path/to/lcg/dependencies/install
      • make -j 10
      • make install
      • cd ..
    3. export environment
      • export PATH=/path/to/lcg/dependencies/install/bin:$PATH
      • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lcg/dependencies/install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  4. Get LCGCMake repository
    • mkdir lcgcmake-build
    • mkdir lcgcmake-install
    • Edit lcgcmake/toolchain.cmake line 2
       set(LCG_VERSION dev2 CACHE STRING "HepTools version (aka LCG configuration)") 


       set(LCG_VERSION 78root6 CACHE STRING "HepTools version (aka LCG configuration)") 


    • Edit lcgcmake/projects/CMakeLists.txt line 296 from
       SVN_REPOSITORY=${CORAL_native_version} --quiet 


       SVN_REPOSITORY=${CORAL_native_version} --quiet 
    • Edit lcgcmake/externals/CMakeLists.txt lines 297 - 302 (or so) from
        DEPENDS Boost


        DEPENDS Boost
    • Edit lcgcmake/projects/CMakeLists.txt and insert around line 99 to the ROOT package config
    • Edit lcgcmake/projects/CMakeLists.txt around line 186 in the RELAX package and add the lines


    • Edit lcgcmake/generators/CMakeLists.txt around line 1679 in the crmc package and add the lines


    • After the pythia8 packages download and fail to build, the Makefile's must be edited, the files lcgcmake-build/generators/pythia8-201/src/pythia8/201/Makefile have $(CXX_SONAME),$(notdir $@) which must be changed to -shared.
    • After evtgen package downloads and fails to build, the Makefile must be edited, the file lcgcmake-build/generators/evtgen-1.2.0/src/evtgen/1.2.0/Makefile have $(shell find … ) commands inside, Add -not -path '*/\.*' to the end of these finds. This is to exclude the many stupid hidden files ._<fildname> that someone must have commit to the repo from their MAC.
    • After ROOT 6 downloads and fails the build, you can make the following edits to fix the ODBC files. Add to the files lcgcmake-build/projects/ROOT-6.02.12/src/ROOT/6.02.12/sql/odbc/inc/TODBC*.h a #include<sqlcli.h> just under the #include<sql.h> at the top of the file. Add to the files lcgcmake-build/projects/ROOT-6.02.12/src/ROOT/6.02.12/sql/odbc/src/TODBCServer.cxx and lcgcmake-build/projects/ROOT-6.02.12/src/ROOT/6.02.12/sql/odbc/src/TODBCStatement.cxx a #include<sqlcli1.h> at the top of the files.
  5. Create setup environment <file bash>

#!/usr/bin/env bash soft add +cmake soft add +gcc-4.8.1

hpc/lcgcmake.1440121176.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/21 01:39 by jchilders