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Building Pythia on BlueGene/Q

Part 1: Build HepMC Library

  1. Check out HepMC from SVN:
    svn co svn+ssh:// <destination_path>
  2. Inside the HepMC folder run

Part 2: Build Pythia Library

  1. Check out Pythia from SVN:
    svn co svn+ssh:// <destination_path>
  2. Inside the Pythia folder run

Part 3: Build Pythia Executable

  1. Check out TCLAP from SVN:
    svn co svn+ssh:// <destination_path>
  2. Check out Pythia user code from SVN:
    svn co svn+ssh:// <destination_path>
  3. Inside the usercode folder you will find different programs written to use Pythia. As of this writting there was only one:
    • alpToHepmc/runPythiaOnAlpgen.cpp which can be used to shower Alpgen events and output HepMC format
      • There is a Makefile which can be used to make an executable, be sure to edit the paths inside the Makefile to point to the HepMC/Pythia/TCLAP installations

Pythia Performance

On ''''

Hadronizing Alpgen events
Z+Njets N events CPU Time (mm:ss) Rate(Hz) Accepted Events Efficiency Accepted Rate (Hz)
Z+0jet 14,062 12:34 18.6 10,000 71% 13.2
Z+1jet 25,340 21:45 19.4 10,000 39% 7.6
Z+2jet 41,834 36:26 19.1 10,000 23% 4.5
Z+3jet 26,549 23:50 18.5 3,587 13% 2.5

hpc/pythia.1390341831.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/21 22:03 by jchilders