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Installing Software for Use with RCE and HSIO-2

Follow the setup instructions here exactly. Be sure to install everything in the same directories as the tutorial, because some scripts use hard-coded paths!

Note the line “AYUM software installation location: /sw/atlas”. The install location is NOT /sw/atlas/ayum.

The TDAQ framework does not need to be installed if you're installing RCF. The install command

./ayum install  -y LCG_81b_gcc_4.9.3_x86_64_slc6 gcc_4.9.3_x86_64-slc6 LCG_81b_ROOT_6.04.12_x86_64_slc6_gcc49_opt  Boost_1.59.0_python2.7_armv7l_archlinux_gcc52_opt_lcgcmt81b_armv7l_archlinux_gcc52_opt

sometimes runs into timeout issues while downloading files, but you can run it again after it finishes, and it'll just look for the missing pieces.

The make commands

cd ~/daq/rce/build.slc6-rcf; make
cd ~/daq/rce/build.arm-rcf; make

sometimes spit out errors such as “internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)”. This is because our lab computer is horrible and barely has any RAM. Just run the command again after it finishes and it'll go back to work on the parts that failed.

itk/installing_software_for_use_with_rce_and_hsio-2.1464816928.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/01 21:35 by mazhang