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fcs:fccee:tutorial [2024/07/01 21:25] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== FCC-ee tutorial using HepSim files ======
 +Here is mini-tutorial explaining how to use Monte Carlo truth-level files from the HepSim for the FCC-ee studies. The setup of the computer environment is described in [[fcs:fccee:setup| this section]]. The HepSim part of this tutorial does not require CVMFS and can be done on any computer with java installed.
 +====== FCC-ee tutorial ======
 +See [[]] The source files are on GitHub at [[]]. Check this for making contributions: [[]]
 +===== Using files from HepSim  =====
 +This part of the tutorial does not use any C++ specific libraries and can be done on any computers with Java installed.  Check java:
 +<code bash>
 +java -version
 +Typically, it will tell openjdk version "1.8.0_352" or higher Java version.
 +<code bash>
 +bash   #  set bash if you haven't done this before 
 +wget -O - | tar -xz;
 +source hs-toolkit/
 +Let's look at a few events: Z-> Z H, where Z-> nunu, and H decays to  bbar. The CM energy is 250 GeV. The sample is described in 
 +First, print all files with Higgs processes:
 +<code bash>
 +hs-find higgs
 +Then grab the file with H to bbar at e+e-:
 +<code bash>
 +hs-ls gev250ee_pythia8_zhiggs_nunubbar
 +Let's download 10 files (in 2 threads):
 +<code bash>
 +hs-get gev250ee_pythia8_zhiggs_nunubbar data 2 10
 +We should have 10 files in the directory "data". Let's take a look at a single file. We what to check how many events in the file, how many events etc:
 +<code bash>
 +hs-info  data/gev250ee_zh_nunubb_001.promc
 +Do you want to print 1st event? Do this:
 +<code bash>
 +hs-info data/gev250ee_zh_nunubb_001.promc 1
 +Want  to examine the log file? Do this:
 +<code bash>
 +hs-log  data/gev250ee_zh_nunubb_001.promc
 +Let's study each event in the GUI mode (needs X-session!). Start this GUI and click each event number using the left panel.
 +<code bash>
 +hs-view  data/gev250ee_zh_nunubb_001.promc
 +=====  Validation =====
 +Now we know a lot about this files. Let's make a simple code to run over 10,000 events (2 files) and draw some useful histograms.
 +Click the tab below to see the code. This code may look rather long, but it does a lot: It reads the truth-level events, reconstructs jets, and makes plots of the pT (differential cross section), Rapidity distribution and the invariant mass of the 2 jets. It also saves the image in SVG file  and an XML file for examination:
 +<hidden Click here to show the Python/Jython code>
 +# Part of =HepMC= :
 +# S.Chekanov (ANL)
 +from java.lang import *
 +from proto import FileMC   # import FileMC
 +from java.util import ArrayList
 +from hep.physics.vec import BasicHepLorentzVector
 +from jhplot.utils import FileList
 +from java.awt import Color,Font
 +from jhplot import  HPlot,P1D,HLabel,H1D
 +from import HBook
 +from hephysics.particle import LParticle
 +from hep.physics.jet import DurhamJetFinder,FixNumberOfJetsFinder
 +from hepsim import HepSim
 +import sys
 +Nfiles=2 # 2 files to process for checking 
 +print "Found "+str(len(flist))+" files. Nr files to process= ",Nfiles
 +fjet=DurhamJetFinder(0.05) # DurhamJet with y_cut=0.05 
 +h1= H1D("PT_{jet}",50,10,200.)
 +#h1.doc()               # check its methods
 +h2= H1D("y_{jet}",50,-5,5.)
 +h3= H1D("Mass",100,100,150)
 +cross=0; nev=0;  # Nfiles=len(flist)
 +for m in range(Nfiles):             # loop over all files in this list    
 +   file=FileMC(flist[m])        # get input file
 +   header = file.getHeader()
 +   un=float(header.getMomentumUnit()) # conversion units
 +   lunit=float(header.getLengthUnit())
 +   if m==0:
 +       print "ProMC v=",file.getVersion(), "E(varint)=",un,"L(varint)t=",lunit
 +   for i in range(file.size()):
 +      nev=nev+1
 +      if (nev%500==0): print "Event=",nev
 +      eve =
 +      pa = eve.getParticles()   # particle information
 +      ve = eve.getEvent()       # event information
 +      particles=ArrayList() # list of particles 
 +      for j in range(pa.getPxCount()):
 +        if (pa.getStatus(j)==1):     # stable
 +           px=pa.getPx(j)/un         # pX
 +           py=pa.getPy(j)/un         # pY
 +           pz=pa.getPz(j)/un         # pZ
 +           e= pa.getEnergy(j)/un        # energy
 +           mass= pa.getMass(j)/un    # mass
 +           apdg=abs(pa.getPdgId(j))
 +           if (apdg==12 or apdg==14 or apdg==16): continue # no neutrino
 +           p=BasicHepLorentzVector(e,px,py,pz)
 +           particles.add(p) # add particle to the list 
 +      fjet.setEvent(particles)
 +      jets=[] # make a new list with jets 
 +      for j in range(fjet.njets()):
 +         # print "Jet=",i," Nr of particles in jet =",fjet.nParticlesPerJet(i) 
 +         pjet=fjet.jet(j)   # make  HepLorentzVector
 +         ee=pjet.t()  # magnitude
 +         p3=pjet.v3() # 3-vector  
 +         pl=LParticle(p3.x(),p3.y(),p3.z(),ee) # convert to a class with convinient kinematics 
 +         h1.fill(pl.perp())
 +         h2.fill(pl.rapidity())
 +         jets.append(pl)
 +      if (len(jets)>1):
 +              jets[0].add(jets[1])
 +              h3.fill(jets[0].calcMass() )
 +   stat = file.getStat()
 +   cross=stat.getCrossSectionAccumulated()
 +   erro=stat.getCrossSectionErrorAccumulated();
 +   file.close()
 +print "Lumi=%.3e pb"%lumi
 +print "Total cross section (pb)=",cross
 +c1 = HPlot("=HepSim=",600,800,1,3)
 +# c1.setAutoRange()
 +# c1.setLogScale(1,True)
 +c1.setNameX("p_{T} [GeV]")
 +c1.setNameY("d &sigma; / d p_{T} [pb/GeV]")
 +c1.setRange(0,200,0.0, 0.01)
 +xsec1.setErr(1)       # show errors
 +# h1.toTable() 
 +l1=HLabel("Durham jets  &sigma;=%.3e pb"%cross, 0.4, 0.75, "NDC")
 +l1.setFont(Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14))
 +c1.add(l1),2) # plot rapidity
 +# plot  invariant mass,3)
 +# create file/image using name of the file
 +if len(sys.argv[0])>0: name=sys.argv[0].replace(".py","")
 +file=HBook(name+".jdat","w"); print name+".jdat created"
 +c1.export(name+".svg");    print name+".svg created"
 +# xsec.toFile(name+".txt");  print name+".txt created"
 +# sys.exit(0)
 +Copy the code shown below to a file "" and run it as 
 +It will create the image with jets and a Higgs peak for 2-jet mass.
 +=====  Data streaming =====
 +One can also analyze truth-level files using data streaming, i.e. without downloading the actual input files. 
 +This example shows data for Higgs to bbar at 240 GeV e+e-.
 +Click the code shown below, save it as "" and run it inside Jas4pp ( or using hs-tools package (as "hs-run").
 +<hidden Click here to show the Python/Jython code>
 +<code python>
 +# illustration of how to make pT distribution in real time using data streaming
 +# S.Chekanov (ANL)
 +from java.awt import Color,Font
 +from java.lang import *
 +from proto import FileMC            
 +from jhplot import HPlot,H1D,H2D,P1D,HLabel  # graphics
 +from jhplot.utils import FileList
 +from hephysics.particle import LParticle 
 +from hephysics.hepsim import PromcUtil
 +from hephysics.jet import JetN2 
 +from hepsim import HepSim
 +import sys,math 
 +tag="" # only truth level
 +if len(sys.argv)>1:
 +   flist=FileList.get(sys.argv[1],"promc")
 +   if (len(sys.argv)>2): NMax=int(sys.argv[2])
 +   sites=HepSim.urlRedirector(dataset)
 +   url=sites[0]+"/"+tag
 +   flist=HepSim.getList(url)
 +if len(flist)==0: print "Error: No input file!"; sys.exit(0)
 +else: print "Reading "+str(len(flist))+" files. Nr of files= ",NMax
 +#h1.doc()               # check its methods
 +h1= H1D("pT [GeV]",100,0,100)
 +c1 = HPlot("=HepSim=",500,500)
 +cross=0; nev=0;  Nfiles=len(flist)
 +for m in range(Nfiles):              # loop over all files in this list    
 +   file=FileMC(url+flist[m])         # get input file
 +   print "Read=",flist[m]
 +   header = file.getHeader()
 +   un=float(header.getMomentumUnit()) # conversion units
 +   lunit=float(header.getLengthUnit())
 +   if m==0:
 +       print "ProMC v=",file.getVersion(), "M unit=",un,"L unit=",lunit 
 +   if (nev>TotalEvents): print "Max Nr of events are done"; break # stop after some events
 +   for i in range(file.size()):
 +      if (nev>TotalEvents): break
 +      nev=nev+1
 +      if (nev%1000==0):
 +           if (Nfiles==1): print "Event=",nev
 +           else: 
 +                print "Event=",nev," done=",int((100.0*m)/Nfiles),"%"
 +                c1.clearData()
 +                #c1.setNameX("p_{T}(lead. jet) [GeV]")
 +                #c1.setNameY("Entries")
 +                c1.draw(h1)
 +                print "Update canvas"
 +      eve =
 +      pa = eve.getParticles()    # particle information
 +      nt=0; xsum=0; 
 +      darkpi={}
 +      #print " "
 +      for j in range(pa.getPxCount()):
 +         apdg=abs(pa.getPdgId(j))
 +         par=LParticle(pa.getPx(j)/un,pa.getPy(j)/un,pa.getPz(j)/un,pa.getEnergy(j)/un,pa.getMass(j)/un)
 +         nt=nt+1
 +         h1.fill(par.perp()) # calculate transverse mementa 
 +   stat = file.getStat()
 +   cross=stat.getCrossSectionAccumulated()
 +   erro=stat.getCrossSectionErrorAccumulated();
 +   file.close()
 +# show final cross section
 +c1.setNameX("p_{T} [GeV]")
 +print h1.getStat()
 +#l1=HLabel("&sigma;=%.3e pb"%cross, 0.4, 0.75, "NDC")
 +#l1=HLabel("<m>=%.3e GeV"%h2.mean(), 0.4, 0.75, "NDC")
 +#l1.setFont(Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 15))
 +l2=HLabel("=HepSim=",0.6,0.85, "NDC")
 +l2.setFont(Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14))
 +# create file/image using name of the file
 +from import HBook 
 +file=HBook(name+".jdat","w"); print name+".jdat created"
 +c1.export(name+".svg");    print name+".svg created"
 +#xsec.toFile(name+".txt");  print name+".txt created"
 +If you run this code as Jython script inside Jas4pp, you will see a histogram updated in real time:
 +{{ :fcs:fccee:screenshot_from_2023-05-24_08-57-19.png?400 |}}
 +=====  Analysis of LCIO files =====
 +Full example of how to analyse LCIO files is given in:
 +===== Preparation for fast simulation =====
 +For fast simulations we need to install the C++ ProMC library. After it is installed, the compiled Delphes program can start using the ProMC files natively. 
 +Let's take this package from and install it.  Make sure you have the gcc compiler , zip library (run "yum install python-pip python-setuptools zlib1g-dev zlib-devel" if you do not have them) and CERN ROOT. If you are using CERN or OSG login nodes, you can get these packages as:
 +Use the  key4hep setup with gcc11. It will also link the ROOT libraries:
 +<code bash>
 +source /cvmfs/ 
 +If ( /cvmfs/ ) is not available on your system, use the older gcc8 version:
 +<code bash>
 +source /cvmfs/
 +Then install ProMC (currently it is an external package):
 +<code bash>
 +wget -O ProMC.tgz
 +tar -zvxf ProMC.tgz
 +cd ProMC
 +./                      # build all source files
 +./ lib               # install into the "lib" directory
 +source lib/promc/  # make it available
 +After the installation, make sure you see a bunch of executable files:
 +<code bash>
 +echo $PROMC/bin
 +This package will be used for fast simulation. In addition, you can perform various transformation of the event records. For example, move your data to ROOT:
 +<code bash>
 +cd $PROMC/examples/promc2root
 +make                          # creates converter promc2root
 +cd ../../../../../data/   # navigate to the directory with data
 +$PROMC/examples/promc2root/promc2root gev250ee_zh_nunubb_001.promc  gev250ee_zh_nunubb_001_truth.root
 +Note some system picks the native "zlib library". If you see an error in compilation, remove "-lz" string on the line  23 of Makefile.
 +The last command will create ROOT files with the tree "ProMC":
 +{{ :fcs:fccee:screenshot_from_2023-03-06_10-31-06.png?nolink&400 |}}
 +Similarly, one can do transformation oto the popular text formats:  See 
 +<code bash>
 +The same directory "examples" contains the reverse transformations.
 +===== Creating Pythia8 events =====
 +In this example, instead of downloading files with e+e- events, we will generate Pythia8 events at the truth level. We create 100k events at 250 GeV CM energy with all Higgs processes. Then we will force H to decay to 2 b jets.
 +(1) Step 1. Get the package:
 +<code bash>
 +tar -zvxf package_ee.tgz
 +(2) Compile the program. The steering card is located in "cards" that defines how many events and what are the processes.
 +<code bash>
 +cd package_ee
 +(3) Run the Pythioa8 events using the supplied bash script.   This creates 10 output files in the directory "out". You can view the output  and the log file as 
 +<code bash>
 +This script creates the output file in the directory "out". One can view events in this file as:
 +<code bash>
 +cd out
 +promc_browser gev250ee_higgs_bbar_001.promc
 +===== Fast simulation =====
 +To perform fast simulation, install Delphes using the standard steps:
 +<code bash>
 +tar -zxf Delphes-3.5.0.tar.gz
 +cd Delphes-3.5.0
 +On some systems, the compilation may fail if the ZLIB  library is already present, i.e. the error will be "inflateValidate@ZLIB". In this case, remove "-lz" on the line 45 of the Makefile. 
 +The last line of the compilation should have "DelphesProMC" (binary file to process events).
 +<code bash>
 +cd ..
 +./Delphes-3.5.0/DelphesProMC  ./Delphes-3.5.0/cards/delphes_card_CircularEE.tcl \
 +data/gev250ee_zh_nunubb_001.root  \
 +The output file will be  data/gev250ee_zh_nunubb_001.root 
 +===== Full simulation and file conversions =====
 +For full simulations, we will need to convert ProMC files to the LCIO files.  You can use the converter posted to
 +Read the README of this simple tool.
 +The C++ version of the ProMC package can also convert files to HEPMC2 and LHEF.  Look at the directories:
 +cd $PROMC/promc2hepmc   # tool to convert to HEPMC2 
 +cd $PROMC/promc2lhe         #  tool to convert to LHEf
 +The key4hep requires HEPMC3 format (not HEPMC2). Therefore, the current option is to convert PROMC to HEMC2 and then convert HEPMC3. Alternatively, key4hep can take LHE files.
 +First, get the script:
 +Then use it like this:
 +$ source /cvmfs/
 +$ ./ inputfile.lhe output.edm [--nevt=1000] [--stable]
 +You can specify the number of events in the file in the case the guess based on grepping <event> is wrong.
 +If you specify ‘—stable’ only the stable particles (status == 1) are kept in the final file.
 +===== Some outreach  =====
 +If you are a student who has  never seen a typical e+e- event in real life, you may use this simple tool to display and view e+e- events. Here we will explore  typical e+e- events at the CM energy 250 GeV with Higgs  decaying to two Z bosons. Then Z-bosons decay to 4 leptons.  The events will be visualized in the SID detector from the ILC project (events for FCC-ee will not look very different, but the FCC-ee detector will have somewhat different geometry).  The program uses Jas3/Wired display used for the ILC R&D. 
 +Unlike the tutorial discussed above, this example only requires a personal Linux/Windows/Mac computer with Java installed. It will use the [[|Jas4pp]] program and files from HepSim.
 +<code bash>
 +tar -zvxf jas4pp-1.7.tgz
 +cd jas4pp
 +jaspp pythia6_higgs_zz_4l_0001_pandora.slcio
 +You will see an editor. Use the left panel and expand "DataSets". Then go to "File->New->Wired 4 View. You will see a black screen. The press the small blue arrow from the top menu. It is called "Go".  
 +You can also display very  busy events with H-> bbar if you will download files from [[ |151rfull001 link]].
 +{{ :fcs:fccee:250gev.png?nolink&500 |}}
 +You can explore various detector components, data collections etc. Use File->New->LCSim event browse. etc. You can also display other collision processes and different detectors using the HepSim repo.
 + --- //[[[email protected]|Sergei Chekanov]] 2023/04/03 21:08//
fcs/fccee/tutorial.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 21:25 by