Here we describe available reconstruction tags used by HepSim. All detectors can be found in Detector description page.
Data are reconstructed using the so-called reconstruction tags, which can have either “rfastXXX” (fast simulations) or “rfullXXX” (full simulation and reconstruction) name, where XXX is a number. Each tag is reconstructed with certain detector plus some optional parameters for simulation and reconstruction.
You can find detectors that correspond to a given tag using RecoTag page.
Fast simulations use Delphes.
Tag name | Detector description | Documentation | Available data |
rfast001 | FCC-v1 proposed detector | description | find=rfast001 |
rfast002 | FCC-v2 proposed detector | description | find=rfast002 |
rfast003 | CMS-like detector | description | find=rfast003 |
rfast004 | ATLAS-like detector | description | find=rfast004 |
The file format is ROOT. Look at this description.
Full simulations use the SLIC software. The geometry files with full detector descriptions are here.
Each tag corresponds to a certain detector, and other way around. You can find the detector name using a tag as this[TAG]
this will print the detector name. Instead of [TAG], use the detector name to determine the tag. Here are the examples:
Find the detector that corresponds to the tag “rfull009”:
Find the tag which corresponds to the detector sifcch8:
In Linux, you can retrieve this info as:
curl -s
The table below shows the available detectors:
Tag name | Detector description | Documentation / GEO files | Available data | View |
rfull001 | Original SiD detector, E(CM)=1 TeV (e+e-) (sidloi3). info | description, sidloi3.heprep sidloi3.gdml.gz | find=rfull001 | |
rfull002 | CEPC detector, E(CM)=250 GeV (e+e-) (sidcc1) arxiv:1604.01994, info | description, sidcc1.heprep, sidcc1.gdml.gz, | find=rfull002 | |
rfull101 | CEPC detector, E(CM)=250 GeV (e+e-) (sidcc2) arxiv:1604.01994, info | description, sidcc2.heprep, sidcc2.gdml.gz, | find=rfull101 | |
rfull051 | SiEIC1 detector for EIC, E(CM) < 141 GeV (ep, eN) (sieic1) (development) | description, sieic1.heprep, sieic1.gdml.gz | find=rfull051 | |
rfull052 | SiEIC2 detector for EIC, E(CM) < 141 GeV (ep, eN) (sieic2) (development) | description, sieic2.heprep, sieic2.gdml.gz | find=rfull052 | |
rfull006 | SiFFC-v4 for FCC-hh (pp, E(CM)=100 TeV) | description, sifcch4.heprep, sifcch4.gdml.gz | find=rfull006 | |
rfull007 | SiFFC-v5. (pp, 100 TeV) As SiFCC-v4 but with x4 larger HCAL cells | description, sifcch5.heprep, sifcch5.gdml.gz | find=rfull007 | |
rfull009 | SiFFC-v7 (pp, 100 TeV) As SiFCC-v4 but with improved tracker (corrected infrastructure support for inner and outer tracker, reduced gaps between silicon modules) and Fast Pandora clustering. Aug 17, 2016 | description, sifcch7.heprep, sifcch7.gdml.gz | find=rfull009 | |
rfull010 | Same as SiFFC-v7, but HCAL cells are 20x20cm (vs 5×5 cm) | description, sifcch8.heprep, sifcch8.gdml.gz | find=rfull010 | |
rfull011 | Same as SiFFC-v7, but fine HCAL cells. HCAL cell size is 2x2cm (vs 5×5 cm for SiFFC-v7) | description, sifcch9.heprep, sifcch9.gdml.gz | find=rfull011 | |
rfull012 | Same as SiFFC-v7, but super fine HCAL cells. HCAL cells are 1x1cm (vs 5×5 cm for SiFFC-v7) | description, sifcch10.heprep, sifcch10.gdml.gz | find=rfull012 | |
rfull013 | Same as SiFFC-v7, but super fine HCAL (1x1cm) and ECAL (3x3mm) cells (vs 5×5 cm and 2x2cm for SiFFC-v7) | description, sifcch11.heprep, sifcch11.gdml.gz | find=rfull013 | |
rfull014 | Same as SiFFC-v7, but relaxed hit cuts for HCAL and ECAL | description, sifcch12.heprep, sifcch12.gdml.gz | find=rfull014 |
The output file format is LCIO. The files can be read as explained here. To view geometries using ROOT geometry package, run these commands:
TGeoManager::Import("detector.gdml"); gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->Draw("ogl");
where “detector.gdml” is the detector geometry to be downloaded from this table (after gunzip command).
— Sergei Chekanov 2016/04/29 12:57