Dataset: "tev3ee_pythia8_qcdjets_tunes_qedoff"

Summary Comments
Name: tev3ee_pythia8_qcdjets_tunes_qedoff
DOI identifier: 10.34664/1575696 ( link)
Collisions: e+e-
CM Energy: 3 TeV
Entry ID: 286
Topic: SM
Generator: PYTHIA8
Calculation level: LO+PS+hadronisation
Process: QCD jets with 7 tunes without ISR
Total events: 8000000
Number of files: 160
Cross section (σ): 0.1282 ± 0.000E+00pb Estimated from file Nr 1
Luminosity (L): 6.242E+07 pb-1   (or)   6.242E+04 fb-1   (or)   62.4221 ab-1
Format: ProMC
Truth record URL: Status: Available
EVGEN size: 40.466 GB
  Reconstruction tag Tags:
Fast simulation:
Full simulation:
Fast/Full size: 0.00 GB
Record slimmed: No
Events weighted: No
Submission time: Fri Jul 14 18:23:46 UTC 2017
Updated on: Mon Aug 7 20:41:19 UTC 2017
Standard model productions for jets in e+e-. Full interference between Z and gamma. QED radiation off electrons is OFF. The sample contains 7 sub-samples with seven different e+e- tunes explained in Pythia8 manual.

File description

Each file has the string "_tuneN", where "N" is an integer value that specifies Pythia8 tune. There are 20 files per each tune.

File metadata:
ProMC version: 4; Nr events: 50000; Varint E: 100000; Varint L: 1000; Logfile: logfile.txt; Last modified: 2017-07-13 23:35:08; Settings: PYTHIA-8.226; ApplyParticleSlim=off;Random:setSeed = on;Random:seed = 0;Beams:idA = 11;Beams:idB = -11;Beams:eCM = 3000.;HardQCD:all = off;PDF:lepton = off;SpaceShower:QEDshowerByL = off;ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on;ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10;WeakSingleBoson:all = off;WeakSingleBoson:ffbar2gmZ =on;WeakZ0:gmZmode=0 ;EventsNumber=50000;Tune:ee = 0;

Nr Analysis code Output image Output data
Author: S.Chekanov
