Summary | Comments | ||||||||
Name: | tev13pp_mg5_chaH4FNS_sys | ||||||||
DOI identifier: | 10.34664/1601158 ( link) | ||||||||
Collisions: | pp | ||||||||
CM Energy: | 13 TeV | ||||||||
Entry ID: | 339 | ||||||||
Topic: | Exotics | ||||||||
Generator: | MADGRAPH/PY8 | ||||||||
Calculation level: | LO+PS+hadronisation | ||||||||
Process: | Charged Higgs (H+t) in 4FNS with systematics | ||||||||
Total events: | 60000 | ||||||||
Number of files: | 3 | ||||||||
Cross section (σ): | 6.817E-06 ± 0.000E+00pb | Estimated from file Nr 1 | |||||||
Luminosity (L): | 8.801E+09 pb-1 (or) 8.801E+06 fb-1 (or) 8801.0687 ab-1 | ||||||||
Format: | ProMC | ||||||||
Truth record URL: | | Status: Available | |||||||
Mirrors: | |
EVGEN size: | 0.526 GB | ||||||||
![]() |
Fast simulation: | |||||||||
Full simulation: | |||||||||
Fast/Full size: | 0.00 GB | ||||||||
Record slimmed: | Yes | ||||||||
Events weighted: | No | ||||||||
Submission time: | Thu Nov 7 17:49:47 UTC 2019 | ||||||||
Updated on: | Fri Nov 8 12:43:29 UTC 2019 | ||||||||
Description: |
Production of charged H+ (or H-) using MG5_aMC_v2_6_1 at LO QCD.
Four flavor number scheme (4FNS) is used, i.e. tbH. H+ mass is 2 TeV. Each file has 20,000 events, and has different settings. The samples are created for studies of systematic uncertainties to understand PDF and polarization effects.
Showering was done in Pyhia8 A14 with ATLAS tuning.
H+ decaysCharged Higgs decays to tbcharged_higgs_tb_LO_NNPDF23_madspin.promc - LO with NNPDF23 and spin charged_higgs_tb_LO_CTEQ6L.promc - LO with CTEQ6L (no spin effect) charged_higgs_tb_LO_NNPDF23.promc - LO with NNPDF23 (no spin effect) MG5 settingsIncluded inside ProMC files.Slimmed methodParticle records are slimmed (all stable with pT>0.3 GeV) and (PID=5 || PID=6) or PID>22 && PID<38) or PID>10 && PID<17). |
File metadata: |
ProMC version: 4; Nr events: 20000; Varint E: 100000; Varint L: 1000; Logfile: logfile.txt; Last modified: 2019-11-07 10:30:22; Settings: PYTHIA-8.23; ApplyParticleSlim = on;Beams:idA = 2212;Beams:idB = 2212;Beams:eCM = 13000.;Beams:frameType = 4;Tune:pp = 14;Tune:ee = 7;SpaceShower:rapidityOrder = on;SigmaProcess:alphaSvalue = 0.140;SpaceShower:pT0Ref = 1.56;SpaceShower:pTmaxFudge = 0.91;SpaceShower:pTdampFudge = 1.05;SpaceShower:alphaSvalue = 0.127;TimeShower:alphaSvalue = 0.127;BeamRemnants:primordialKThard = 1.88;MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 2.09;MultipartonInteractions:alphaSvalue = 0.126;ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10;Higgs:useBSM = on;37:onMode = off;37:onIfMatch = 5 6;
Validation: |
Author: | W. Islam, S.Chekanov, S.Meehan |