Dataset: "tev100pp_mcfm_gamma_ptscale"

Summary Comments
Name: tev100pp_mcfm_gamma_ptscale
DOI identifier: 10.34664/1575490 ( link)
Collisions: pp
CM Energy: 100 TeV
Entry ID: 74
Topic: SM
Generator: MCFM
Calculation level: NLO
Process: Direct photons
Total events: 26000000
Number of files: 400
Cross section (σ): undefined Warning: Not accurate for weighted events
Luminosity (L): Luminosity is not supported for weighted events Warning: Not accurate for weighted events
Format: ProMC
Truth record URL: Status: Available
EVGEN size: 20.0 GB
  Reconstruction tag Tags:
Fast simulation:
Full simulation:
Fast/Full size: 0.00 GB
Record slimmed: No
Events weighted: Yes
Submission time: Sat Apr 11 2:06:12 UTC 2015
Updated on: Sat Jul 27 3:53:19 UTC 2024
Inclusive photons at NLO (MCFM) GeV for different pT ranges starting from 25-15000 GeV. We use CT10 PDF. We use pt(photon) scale for calculations. The isolation is 12 GeV in the cone 0.4 |eta|<2.4. The cuts are similar to ATLAS papers for 7,8 TeV.
[General options to specify the process and execution]
280             [nproc]
100000d0        [sqrts in GeV]
+1              [ih1 =1 for proton and -1 for antiproton]
+1              [ih2 =1 for proton and -1 for antiproton]
126d0           [hmass]
80d0            [scale:QCD scale choice]
pt(photon)      [dynamicscale]
12d0            [epsilon_h, energy fraction for isolation, >1 we use max energy in the cone]

File metadata:
Not available for this dataset

Nr Analysis code Output image Output data
Author: S.Chekanov
