Dataset: "tev13pp_higgs_pythia8_ptbins"

Summary Comments
Name: tev13pp_higgs_pythia8_ptbins
DOI identifier: 10.34664/1575507 ( link)
Collisions: pp
CM Energy: 13 TeV
Entry ID: 92
Topic: Higgs
Generator: PYTHIA8
Calculation level: LO+PS+hadronisation
Process: Higgs production in bins of pT
Total events: 2501000
Number of files: 2501
Cross section (σ): undefined Estimated from file Nr 1
Luminosity (L): undefined
Format: ProMC
Truth record URL: Status: Not available. Server error?
EVGEN size: 23.0 GB
  Reconstruction tag Tags:
Fast simulation:
Full simulation:
Fast/Full size: 0.00 GB
Record slimmed: No
Events weighted: No
Submission time: Sun Feb 1 16:17:14 UTC 2015
Updated on: Sat Mar 29 2:02:11 UTC 2025
Higgs production in bins of PhaseSpace:mHatMin. Cross sections depend on pT and not given. All decays are included. 1000 events per file, 100 files per pT bin. Cross sections are included in the log files.

How to decode name

Name: tev100_pythia8_ptPTMIN_PTMAX_NUMBER.promc
where PTMIN is min pT for PhaseSpace:ptHatMin,
PTMAX - PhaseSpace:pTHatMax*2,
NUMBER corresponds to the cluster production node. The actual gen-level cut is PhaseSpace:pTHatMax=2*TMAX to reduce fluctuations on the tails.

How to use

To get a sample with a given pT, use "glob" regular expressions (in Jython, Python etc). Example for the code: pT>100 corresponds to "glob.glob(*pt100_*)"

Slimmed as

Particle records are slimmed (all stable with pT>0.3 GeV) and (PID=5 || PID=6) or PID>22 && PID<38) or PID>10 && PID<17).

Input card

. input =Random:seed = 0
.. input =Beams:idA = 2212
.. input =Beams:idB = 2212
.. input =Beams:eCM = 100000.
.. input =HardQCD:all = off
HiggsSM:all = on
25:m0 = 125.
.. input =Tune:pp = 5
.. input =PDF:pSet = LHAPDF6:MSTW2008lo68cl.LHgrid
.. input =MultipartonInteractions:bProfile = 4
.. input =MultipartonInteractions:a1 = 0.03
.. input =MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 1.90
.. input =MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow = 0.30
.. input =SpaceShower:rapidityOrder=0
.. input =ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on
.. input =ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10
.. input =EventsNumber=10
.. input =PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = PTMIN
.. input =PhaseSpace:mHatMax = PTMIN

File metadata:
ProMC version: 4; Nr events: 1000; Varint E: 10000; Varint L: 1000; Logfile: logfile.txt; Last modified: 2015-01-31 22:06:02; Settings: PYTHIA-8.205; ApplyParticleSlim=on;EventsNumber=1000;Random:setSeed = on;Random:seed = 0;Beams:idA = 2212;Beams:idB = 2212;Beams:eCM = 13000.;HardQCD:all = off;Tune:pp = 5;PDF:pSet = LHAPDF6:MSTW2008lo68cl.LHgrid;MultipartonInteractions:bProfile = 4;MultipartonInteractions:a1 = 0.03;MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 1.90;MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow = 0.30;SpaceShower:rapidityOrder=0;PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 10 ;ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on;ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10;HiggsSM:all = on;25:m0 = 125.;EventsNumber=1000;PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 100;PhaseSpace:pTHatMax = 300;PhaseSpace:mHatMin = 100;

Nr Analysis code Output image Output data
Author: S.Chekanov
