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Creating truth-level samples

HepSim is optimized to keep truth-level in “archive” format called ProMC. It allows to keep data in a very compact form, together with logfiles which will help to identify the MC settings.

ProMC files can be created directly by Pythi8 (the example “” in the Pythi8). Or, you can convert files in the format “HEPMC”, “LHE”, “STDHEP” to ProMC as shown in the “example” directory of the installed ProMC package (look at $PROMC/examples). The converters are:

  • hepmc2promc
  • lhe2promc
  • stdhep2promc
community/hepsim/dev_truth.1461766979.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/27 14:22 by asc