
ANL HEP Graduate Visitors' Program (Draft)

ANL HEP division offers PhD students opportunities to become visitors to the division for 6 months to 1 year, and participate in one or both of the following that could be part of their thesis.

  • A hardware project of duration from 6 months to a year within the Detector Development programs at ANL HEP.
  • For (CERN) ATLAS members, an opportunity to engage in one of the analyses taking place at ANL or at the ANL Analysis Support Center.

The PhD student will be supervised during their stay jointly by their University Advisors and ANL advisors to be agreed upon by all parties.

Hardware projects and their contact persons are:

  • Large Area Photodetector (Matt Wetstein, Klaus Attenkoffer)
    • Multi-Channel Plate Characterization
    • Photocathode Characterization
    • Photocathode Production
  • Digital Hadron Calorimeter (Jose Repond, Lei Xia)
    • Exotic RPC production
  • Optical Data Transmission (Dave Underwood)
    • Micro mirror motor evaluation and testing
    • Determining bit rate limitation
  • ATLAS TileCal Power Supply upgrade (Larry Price, Gary Drake)
  • Others
    • Thick Gem detector (Dave Underwood)

The ATLAS analysis topics being currently pursued in the ANL ATLAS group and the ANL ATLAS Analysis Support Center are:

  • Leptonic WZ production
  • Single Tops
  • W+jets
  • Boosted objects
  • Missing Et and SUSY searches
  • Inclusive jets

Contact for ATLAS analysis (Rik Yoshida)

ATLAS members may visit THIS page and look for entries under ANL and ANL ASC for further information.

General contact for this program are: Marcel Demarteau and Rik Yoshida.

There may be limited financial assistance available.

playground/graduate_visitor.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/30 18:53 by