Table of Contents
How to analyze in C++
This example shows how to run a C+= program over all Delphes ROOT files located in a certain directory, fill histograms (pT and jet mass) and save them in an output ROOT file.
Look at the workbook of Delphes3 Delphes3 workbook. To get started, install Delphes. You should see the library “”. The you can browser the ROOT tree as:
gSystem->Load("libDelphes"); TFile::Open("delphes_output.root"); Delphes->Draw("Electron.PT"); TBrowser browser;
Advanced C++ example
This assumes that Delphes3 is already installed. You have the directory “Delphes3” with the shared file “” inside.
Get the analysis file: antup.tgz
tar -zvxf antup.tgz cd antup
So you will see 2 directories:
delphes3 antup
Now go to the directory “antup” and link the existing Delphes3 installation:
ln -s ../Delphes3 delphes
In my case, it will look as:
analysis.h A_RUN_TEST delphes -> ../Delphes3/ main.cxx Make_input out
Check that you see the shared Delphes3 file
ls -l delphes/*so
You should see “delphes/”
The main file which fills histograms is “main.cxx”. It fills some jet variables and save histograms in the ROOT file in “/out” directory.
To run the code, run “./A_RUN_TEST” which loops over the existing ROOT files. But before you do this, you will need to set “DATA_DIR” variable inside “A_RUN_TEST” to navigate to the directory with your “ROOT” files.
How to analyze in PyROOT
If ROOT was compiled using “python” option, you can use PyROOT to loop over events. Here is a small example to plot transverse moment of electrons (based on the original code of Peter Onyisi, with some modifications, see his talk):
#!/usr/bin/env python # Based on P.Onyisi example import sys,os,string if len(sys.argv)<2: print "Usage: python file.root" print "Exit.." sys.exit() from ROOT import * TH1D.SetDefaultSumw2() gSystem.Load('') f=TFile(sys.argv[1]) t=f.Delphes # extract the tree h=TH1D('ele','Electron #eta',8,-4,4) # initialize a histogram c1=TCanvas() # build a canvas n=0 for e in t: # loop over all events if n%100==0: print "Event=",n n=n+1 for electron in e.Electron: # loop over all electrons h.Fill(electron.Eta) h.Draw() c1.Print('electron.pdf') if (raw_input("Press any key to exit") != "-9999"): c1.Close(); sys.exit(1);
Run this code as:
python file.root
How to analyze in Java
MC truth information and most of ROOT files with Delphes outputs are stored in the PROMC file format which can be analyzed on any platform. Read this this section.
— Sergei Chekanov 2013/03/13 10:23