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How to generate events with pileups

This is a tutorial explaining how to generate HERWIG++ signal plus pile up events. You need a Linux computer (this was tested on SL5.9) with installed ROOT. Also, certain libraries require “boost” library:

yum install boost-devel

Then get this tar file which includes HERWIG++, ThePEG, Delphes 3.08, Pythia8, HEPMC. package.tgz

export PATH=.:$PATH
tar -zvxf package.tgz
cd package_snowmass13 # if this is SL5.9, do not need to run this script!

The build script attempts to detect your environments and the installs HERWIG++, ThePEG, Delphes 3.08, HEPMC (not in the same order) If some luck, installation can be successful.

To generate pileup (example):

cd  herwigpp/run_pileup_ttbar_highPT*

To generate signal:

cd  herwigpp/run_pileup_ttbar_highPT

Please examine it. If you need to change the signal events, look at the HERWIG++ “” card, where you can set needed process.

Sergei Chekanov 2013/03/19 21:06A.Vaniashine 2013/03/19 21:06

snowmass2013/howto_d3.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/24 01:51 by