Delphes 3.0(b) and inclusive TTbar sample
An experimental MC set was generated using the most recent Delphes 3.0(b) version which hopefully has correct b-tagging. This is a ttbar fully inclusive sample without any cut on hard subprocesses. As before, sqrt(s)=14 TeV, The included processes are:
g g -> t tbar q qbar -> t tbar
This run uses the CMS detector geometry located in “examples/delphes_card_CMS.tcl” of the Delphes 3.0(b) installation. The ATLAS geometry is not available.
Here is the log file for 5,000 events (one ROOT file).
If you need complete log file for a single ROOT file, take it from Analysis.log.gz
Get the ROOT files grouped from this download link In total, there are 160 files, with 5,000 generated events in each. Thus the total number of events is 800,000, which corresponds to 1.3 fb-1 of the luminosity
Here is an example for downloading 5 files:
python 5 pythia8/ttbar14tev pythia8_ttbar_14tev