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Delphes 3.0(b) and inclusive TTbar sample

An experimental MC set was generated using the most recent Delphes 3.0(b) version which hopefully has correct b-tagging. This is a ttbar fully inclusive sample without any cut on hard subprocesses. As before, sqrt(s)=14 TeV, The included processes are:

g g -> t tbar
q qbar -> t tbar

This run uses the CMS detector geometry located in “examples/delphes_card_CMS.tcl” of the Delphes 3.0(b) installation. The ATLAS geometry is not available.

Here is the log file for 5,000 events (one ROOT file).

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 *-------  PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics  -------------------------------------------------------------*
 |                                                                                                                 |
 | Subprocess                                    Code |            Number of events       |      sigma +- delta    |
 |                                                    |       Tried   Selected   Accepted |     (estimated) (mb)   |
 |                                                    |                                   |                        |
 |                                                    |                                   |                        |
 | g g -> t tbar                                  601 |       55105       4348       4348 |   5.337e-07  4.012e-09 |
 | q qbar -> t tbar                               602 |        7492        652        652 |   8.069e-08  1.567e-09 |
 |                                                    |                                   |                        |
 | sum                                                |       62597       5000       5000 |   6.144e-07  4.307e-09 |
 |                                                                                                                 |
 *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*

 *-------  PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ----------------------------------------------------------*
 |                                                                                                                 |
 |  times   message                                                                                                |
 |                                                                                                                 |
 |     10   Error in Pythia::next: hadronLevel failed; try again                                                   |
 |      1   Error in SpaceShower::pT2nearQCDthreshold: stuck in loop                                               |
 |      9   Error in StringFragmentation::fragment: stuck in joining                                               |
 |      1   Error in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: caught in junction flavour loop                      |
 |      3   Warning in MultipartonInteractions::pTnext: weight above unity                                         |
 |      1   Warning in Pythia::check: energy-momentum not quite conserved                                          |
 |      2   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: small daughter PDF                                                 |
 |      7   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
 |     17   Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame                |
 |                                                                                                                 |
 *-------  End PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ------------------------------------------------------*
== Cross section for this run=6.144e+02 pb
== Events for this run=5000
== Luminosity for this run=8.138e-03 fb-1

If you need complete log file for a single ROOT file, take it from Analysis.log.gz

Get the ROOT files grouped from this download link In total, there are 160 files, with 5,000 generated events in each. Thus the total number of events is 800,000, which corresponds to 1.3 fb-1 of the luminosity

Here is an example for downloading 5 files:

python 5 pythia8/ttbar14tev  pythia8_ttbar_14tev
Consider using samples with and without 140 pile up. Go to <<back
snowmass2013/montecarlo_d3b.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/24 01:51 by