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AF3: Accelerators for EW/Higgs

Co-Conveners : Marc Ross (SLAC), Qing Qin (IHEP, Beijing), Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell)


Electro-weak physics and the Higgs are currently of major interest to the HEP community and will likely persist into the foreseeable future. Technology for linear and circular e+e- machines are fairly mature. This Group will focus on the remaining technical issues and explore possible cost reduction schemes. Some of the proposed topics are:

  1. Question/Topic1 Identification and mitigation of cost drivers
  2. Question/Topic 2 Room temperature and superconducting RF
  3. Question/Topic 3 Positron sources
  4. Question/Topic 4 IR magnets
  5. Question/Topic 5 Additional topics related to cost reduction and performance improvement
  6. Question/Topic 6 Alternative approaches in the context of EW/Higgs studies such as muon colliders, gamma-gamma, ?

Many relevant publications can be found at: ,,

Also see D. Schulte's summary Granada ESUPP (2019) presentation:

AF3 Milestones: - Meet 16 December 2020 to - step through the report outline, review plans for submissions, and enlist contributors to common sections; -schedule meetings to accompany progress of the report. - plan joint workshops between AF topical groups.

See: (for a compilation of Technology-related contributions). We plan to 'cross-cut' these in the report. (link missing)

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

accelerator/higgs/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/29 12:19 by mcrec