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Update: Snowmass Community Summer Study (CSS) early Registration is extended

Snowmass Community Summer Study, Early Registration is extended to June 13, 2022 at 11:59 pm US Pacific Time Registration Page for Seattle, July 17-26, 2022 Registration Page for Seattle, July 17-26, 2022

Update: Snowmass Community Summer Study (CSS) in Seattle, July 17-26

The Snowmass Community Summer Study, hosted by the University of Washington, will take place in Seattle from July 17-26, 2022. The link to the Workshop Home Page is

Update: Snowmass contributed papers and the March 15 deadline

To: The Snowmass Community

Subject: Snowmass contributed papers and the March 15 deadline

(March 9, 2022)

In January 2021, it was announced that contributed papers, also known as white papers, should be submitted to arXiv and then to the Snowmass Proceedings no later than March 15, 2022. Instructions for submission are at The due date is now only a week away.

Here are some items that you should be aware of:

  1. We are now receiving an increasing stream of contributed papers. We thank the authors who have prepared these contributions or are now in the final stages of completing their papers. This will give a firm foundation for the working group reports being prepared.
  2. We will not interpret the March 15 deadline strictly. However, submitting your paper by March 15 ensures that your work will be considered for inclusion in topical group reports. Often there are technical problems with submission to the arXiv. We will consider all authors who have made a good-faith effort to submit by March 15 as being on time.
  3. We will continue to accept papers submitted to arXiv for publication in the Snowmass proceedings through the July Community Summer Study (CSS) meeting in Seattle and even for a short time thereafter. Also, articles submitted to the arXiv can be updated any time after submission and, in particular, through the CSS meeting.
  4. Topical Group conveners are not obligated to consider for inclusion in their reports results submitted to the arXiv after March 15. However, they may do so at their discretion. Especially if your paper is delayed, we encourage you to communicate directly with the relevant conveners, express your ideas, and even send them an informal summary of your results. This will enable them, if they choose, to consider your insights and results in their summaries while you are still working on your submission. The written versions of the Topical Group reports will evolve in public, and there will be opportunities to submit comments and request changes. Everyone who contributes actively to the writing of a Topical Group report will be listed as an author.
  5. If you have published papers in a journal with results relevant to a Topical Group report, you will also have the opportunity to submit their citations to the appropriate conveners along with a brief note about their importance. In this way, they will also contribute to the public writing process.
  6. After submitting their papers to the Snowmass proceedings, authors are allowed and encouraged to update and improve them and, if appropriate, to publish the results in journals.


In response to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, some nations are placing restrictions on the collaborations in which their scientists may participate, which could limit the authorship on some Snowmass contributed papers. We ask that the authors of papers that may be thus affected notify our editor, Michael Peskin. He will arrange for the papers to be forwarded to the relevant conveners for use in forming their summaries and defer submission of the papers to the arXiv until a safe and equitable solution to authorship can be found.

Thanks again for all your effort!

Snowmass Proceedings Editor: Michael Peskin and

The Snowmass Steering Group: Joel Butler, Sekhar Chivukula, Priscilla Cushman, Glennys Farrar, Andre de Gouvea, Tao Han, Young-Kee Kim, Yury Kolomensky, Sergey Nagaitsev, and Nicolas Yunes

Snowmass Lecture Series: Snowmass Agora on Future Colliders: Linear e+e- Collider (Dec. 15, 2021)

The Accelerator and Energy Frontiers are pleased to announce a series of events, intended for all Snowmass participants, to critically discuss physics and technical aspects of different HEP collider concepts. The first event will be for linear e+e- colliders, on Dec. 15, 2021. We encourage you to register to the event at

Snowmass Lecture Series (November 22, 2021)

Dear Snowmass participants,

While we are entering the next phase of our Snowmass activities in consolidating our results and preparing the contributed papers, the Steering Group would like to sponsor a few lecture series and discussions, to be initiated and organized by the relevant frontiers, intended for all Snowmass participants. These will be built on the abundant information already provided by the current activities. The goal for the lecture series is to facilitate cross-frontier discussions and coordinations, to discuss how the science shapes the requirements on future facilities, and to help us in our process of reaching a clear vision for our decadal goals and beyond.

Very soon, you will receive information on the first two sequences of lectures which will cover collider facilities, and experiments to study the properties of muons.

Additional lecture series will be announced at a later time.

We look forward to the lecture series and your active participation.

Best regards! Snowmass Steering Group

Snowmass logo design winner (September 14, 2021)

In a close vote, Tiffany Lewis’s design won the Snowmass logo competition - see the image on the top. Congratulations to Tiffany! Tiffany will receive free registration for the Community Summer Study meeting in July 2022 at UW-Seattle.

Thanks to everyone who submitted a design – they were all terrific and we appreciate the work. We further appreciate the time of everyone who voted and are looking forward to everyone’s continued participation in the Snowmass process!

Snowmass logo design contest (August 31, 2021)

The deadline for the Snomwass logo design submission on the SLACK channel is today Aug. 31 at the midnight CDT.

Please use THIS LINK to vote for the Snowmass21 logo design. Please vote for one design only. The deadline is Sept. 13, midnight CDT.

Snowmass Day Announcement (August 19, 2021)

Dear members of the Snowmass community,

To get all the frontiers and participants back together on the same page and refocus our attention to the Snowmass activities, we will hold a half-day zoom meeting, the “Snowmass Day”, on September 24, 2021 (

In the 2-hour plenary session, all frontiers will lay out their plans for the upcoming and future activities. The followup breakout sessions will provide the opportunity to discuss frontier's status and future plans in details, and cross-talk and inter-connect with other frontiers. We encourage your active participation and please register at

Tao Han

for the Snowmass Steering Group

Snowmass Restart Announcement (August 2, 2021)

Dear members of the Snowmass community,

The Snowmass community planning exercise will resume the full activity from September 2021 after the delay due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The on-going activities and updates from the individual frontiers can be found at their frontier Wiki pages.

1. Snowmass Day: To get all of the frontiers and participants back together on a new starting point, regain our momentum and refocus our attention to the Snowmass activities, we plan to host a half-day zoom meeting: the “Snowmass Day”, on September 24, 2021, for all frontiers to lay out their plans forward. We envision a virtual meeting:

(a). Plenary: 2 hours, 12:00pm - 2:00pm EDT. Short presentations from all frontiers (plus Snowmass Early Career and Steering Group), to lay out the frontier’s plans for the upcoming activities.

(b). Breakout sessions: 2:30pm EDT. This is the opportunity to discuss frontier's status and future plans in details, to conduct cross-talk and interconnections between frontiers. The sessions will be especially helpful for those who are reconnecting to the Snowmass process after the long pause. The length of the breakout sessions will depend on the frontier’s needs.

2. CSS: The dates for the Snowmass Community Summer Study (CSS) to be held the University of Washington-Seattle have been fixed at July 17-27, 2022.

Tao Han

Chair, APS DPF

On behalf of the Snowmass Steering Group

Snowmass New Timeline (January 29, 2021)

Dear members of the Snowmass community,

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Snowmass Report and the Community Summer Study meeting (CSS) will be delayed by one year until 2022. The overall schedule for the Snowmass process will be adjusted accordingly. After extensive consultation with our community and the frontier conveners/advisors, the Snowmass Steering Group recommends the following general guidelines for the implementation of the Snowmass delay:

• High-level activities will be on hold until the end of June, 2021. These activities include Frontier-level and Topical Group-level workshops, All-conveners meetings, Advisory Group meetings and Newsletters.

• Other Topical Group and cross-frontier activities should be either paused or reduced to a significantly lower level, proceeding only as necessary to ensure scientific continuity, meet essential programmatic needs, or maintain collaborative work with other units and communities. o No critical decisions will be made during the hiatus. o No individuals should feel obligated to participate in these activities.

• Individual, collaborative and self-organized work can continue at the discretion of the individuals involved. All paused individual or group activities will continue to receive full consideration once the Snowmass process formally resumes.

With respect to the timelines:

• White Paper submission to arXiv: no later than March 15, 2022. Late submissions and updates are likely not to be incorporated in the working group reports, but will be included in the Snowmass on-line archive documents.

• Preliminary reports by the Topical Groups due: no later than May 31, 2022.

• Preliminary reports by the Frontiers due: no later than June 30, 2022.

• Snowmass Community Summer Study (CSS): July, 2022 at UW-Seattle.

• All final reports by TGs and Frontiers due: no later than September 30, 2022.

• Snowmass Book and the on-line archive documents due: October 31, 2022.

Additional remarks on the plans of the individual frontiers can be found in the Snowmass Newsletter of January 2021. The Snowmass Steering Group will continue to monitor the process.

We thank you for participating in the Snowmass activities!

Tao Han

Chair, APS DPF

On behalf of the Snowmass Steering Group ([email protected]): Joel Butler (DPF), Sekhar Chivukula (DPF), Priscilla Cushman (DPF), Glennys Farrar (DAP), Young-Kee Kim (DPF), Yury Kolomensky (DNP), Sergei Nagaitsev (DPB), Nicolas Yunes (DGRAV)

Snowmass New Timeline (December 22, 2020)

Dear members of the Snowmass community,

We are writing to inform you that, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Snowmass Report will be delayed by one year and the overall schedule for the Snowmass process will be adjusted accordingly.

Over the past year, the U.S. particle physics community has skillfully navigated many challenges to keep projects moving forward and enable experiments to continue producing excellent results. We learned from DOE and NSF at the HEPAP meeting on December 3-4, 2020 that some important scientific milestones will arrive later than anticipated. For this reason, extending the timeline of the Snowmass and P5 process would enable our community’s scientific vision and the subsequent prioritization exercise, to be fully informed by the anticipated progress in our field as those milestones are met over the coming year.

Soon after the HEPAP meeting, we reached out to the community for feedback on the Snowmass schedule and we would like to thank the many of you who sent us your thoughtful responses. In addition, frontier conveners and early-career representatives have collected further input from topical group conveners, frontier members and early-career members.

With all of this information, the Snowmass Steering Group, the Snowmass Advisory Group, all frontier conveners, and early career representatives met and decided to delay the Snowmass process by one year. This delay will allow a broader community (especially those who have been struggling in engaging in the Snowmass process due to circumstances related to coping with COVID-19) to participate more meaningfully in the Snowmass process.

The new Snowmass timeline includes:

  • Preliminary Topical Group Reports – Spring 2022
  • Preliminary Frontier Reports – late Spring 2022
  • Snowmass Community Summer Study – Summer 2022 in University of Washington, Seattle
  • Snowmass Book – October 2022

The deadline for contributed papers will be delayed but the specific date will be decided by January 2021. Originally scheduled frontier-level Spring 2021 workshops will be moved to later times.

In January 2021, each Frontier will communicate with their own and related frontier communities to develop a detailed work plan. While our goal is to have uniformity among the frontiers, we will provide some flexibility to accommodate specific needs from various groups. Frontier plans will be established by January 31, 2021 and will be available at Snowmass wiki page.

Wish you and your family a healthy and safe holiday season and a wonderful new year, Young-Kee Kim On behalf of the Snowmass Steering Group

Monthly Snowmass Newsletter

Snowmass Day (September 24, 2021, Virtual)

Snowmass Community Planning Meeting (October 5-8, 2020, Virtual)

Community-Wide Town Hall Meetings

Letters of Interest (submission period: April 1, 2020 – August 31, 2020)

Letters of interest allow Snowmass conveners to see what proposals to expect and to encourage the community to begin studying them. They will help conveners to prepare the Snowmass Planning Meeting that will take place on November 4 - 6, 2020 at Fermilab. Letters should give brief descriptions of the proposal and cite the relevant papers to study. Instructions for submitting letters are available at Authors of the letters are encouraged to submit a full writeup for their work as a contributed paper.

Contributed Papers (submission period: April 1, 2020 – July 31, 2021)

Contributed papers will be part of the Snowmass proceedings. They may include white papers on specific scientific areas, technical articles presenting new results on relevant physics topics, and reasoned expressions of physics priorities, including those related to community involvement. These papers and discussions throughout the Snowmass process will help shape the long-term strategy of particle physics in the U.S. Contributed papers will remain part of the permanent record of Snowmass 2021. Instructions for submitting contributed papers are available at


Various workshops will be organized by Frontier Conveners between the 2020 Snowmass Planning Meeting (most likely a virtual meeting on Nov. 4 - 6, 2020) and the 2021 Snowmass Summer Study (July 11 - 20, 2021 at UW Seattle). Workshop locations will be chosen to maximize “inclusiveness” based on accessibility and economic consideration. For all the meetings and workshops, we will make sure that we are inclusive to those who participate remotely and we will have a special session to discuss APS efforts for openness and the importance of open international collaboration.

Agendas and presentations of all Snowmass-related meetings are available via this Snowmass Indico link.

announcements.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/05 14:47 by butler