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Collaborative editing

This wiki is designed for organization and planning of Snowmass21. It is not designed on a first place for collaborative editing of Snowmass contributions and science articles. The login of this wiki is typically restricted to the Snowmass conveners (frontier conveners, topical conveners. advisory and steering groups, liaisons).

If you need a resource for collaborative work on Snowmass21 contributions (i.e. articles) , here are a few suggestions:

In exceptional cases, if you would like to use this wiki to write articles, please contact [email protected] and we will create a dedicated namespace for your work.

Wikicode syntax

This Snowmass21 wiki uses DokuWiki syntax for text formatting. It has also several plugins which make editing simpler. Some of them are described here.

How to create pages

Edits of the pages listed on the left menu can only be done by the users assigned to a particular “group”. Group names correspond to the first word of the left menu, i.e. to the name of the frontiers. If you cannot edit your page, please contact S.Chekanov (chekanov[AT], Technical Liaison) and ask to be assigned to your frontier group.

After a user is assigned to the group, one also create a nested page structure using “:” separation. For example:

creates a page “meeting”. It belongs the the cosmic frontier (can be edited by people from the “cosmic” group). You can see the directory names after clicking the left menu and by looking at the URL of your browser.

This method:

creates a directory “test” with the main page “start”. You can add several pages inside the directory “test”. For example:

create 2 pages “page1” and “page2” in the directory “test” of the “cosmic” frontier. If you want to list all pages in the namespace “cosmic” add this command (without any space before this command):

  <nspages :cosmic -h1>

See plugin:nspages

People who are in the group “editor” can edit all pages (and upload files).

Uploading documents and images

When you edit a page, use “Add image button” (with a small green frame in it). You will see an additional window. The click the line “Select files ..” (not the button “Upload”!). You will see a pop-up window where you can select files. Then click the “Upload” button“

Sharing frontier calendars

Wiki calendar

Frontier conveners can add meetings to this Wiki calendar (stored on this Wiki):

This page describes how to add events to this calendar.

Google calendar

This wiki allows to embed a google calendar (in read only mode) . You need to login to your google account and create a new calendar that can be shared. Here are few steps to do this:

  • Create a new google calendar (go to google calendars, look at left menu in google calendar, press + “Other calendar”)
  • Navigate to your new calendar using “Options for this calendar” and then go to “Settings and Sharing”. Assign a name to your new calendar.
  • In “Calendar settings”, change “Make available to public”.

Then add this code on your Snowmass21 wiki page:

 {{url>GOOGLECAL  98%,750px}}

where GOOGLECAL is a public URL to your Google calendar. It is shown in your “Calendar settings”. See the gray field with a comment “Use this URL to access this calendar from a web browser”. Typically, GOOGLECAL is a long string that starts like this:

Note that the URL should have “embed?src”. Now you can edit this calendar from your google account, and allow other people with google account to change it. However, this wiki can only display this calendar, without edit rights.

Sortable table

In addition to the standard tables explained in DokuWiki syntax help, for a significant number of entries in a table, this wiki allows to add sortable tables using the DataTable plugin (see its description). It allows to perform search. It also can be used for sorting the columns by clicking the header of this table. See the example:

Column A Column B Column C
Row A1 Row B1 Row C1
Row A2 Row B2 Row C2
Row A2 Row B2 Row C3

It is programmed as this:

<datatables page-length="50">
^ Column A ^ Column B ^ Column C ^
| Row A1   | Row B1   | Row C1   |
| Row A2   | Row B2   | Row C2   |
| Row A2   | Row B2   | Row C3   |

Sergei Chekanov 2020/02/25 14:22

help.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/08 13:32 by chekanov