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AF2: Accelerators for Neutrinos

Co-Conveners: John Galambos (ORNL), Bob Zwaska (Fermilab), Gianluigi Arduini (CERN)


Taking as input the anticipated needs of particle physics and the requirements for neutrino beams in terms of energy, flux, temporal and spatial characteristics, this group will discuss:

  • The proton (or other) beam requirements to meet the above needs.
  • The capability of existing or planned accelerator facilities to satisfy the above requirements, and If not: the necessary upgrades or new facilities.
  • Enabling R&D and test facilities necessary to develop upgrades and new facilities.

Proposals are solicited on the following topics:

  • PIP-II and beyond
  • Global neutrino-producing accelerators
  • Cyclotron sources
  • Other megawatt class proton accelerators
  • NuSTORM and Nu-Factories
  • Novel accelerator concepts (non-linear optics, FFAG, etc.)
  • New ideas
  • Related R&D

Liaisons will be established with:

  • NF09: Artificial Neutrino Sources Topical Group (L. Fields)
  • AF5: Accelerators for PBC and Rare Processes
  • AF7: Accelerator Technology R&D

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

accelerator/neutrino/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/13 13:36 by chekanov