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* Snowmass 21/22 Proceedings

* Snowmass'21 Exucutive Summary

* 2023 P5 Schedule/Information
* Snowmass 21/22 Community Summer Study (Seattle, July 17-26)

AF Reports (Final)

Here is the list of the preliminary drafts of reports in the Accelerator Frontier and their associated documents to collect feedback by the community before the reports are finalized.

    • * Above is the Snowmass'21 AF Report - in arXiv
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document
    • Please enter your comments and feedback on the report draft in this shared document

To join the Snowmass mailing list, follow the instructions at the bottom of the Welcome page.

Frontier Conveners

Name Institution email
Steve GourlayLawrence Berkeley National Laboratorysagourlay[at]
Tor RaubenheimerSLAC National Accelerator Laboratorytor[at]
Vladimir ShiltsevFermi National Accelerator Laboratoryshiltsev[at]


The Accelerator Frontier activities include discussions on high-energy hadron and lepton colliders, high-intensity beams for neutrino research and for the “Physics Beyond Colliders”, accelerator technologies, science, education and outreach as well as the progress of core accelerator technology, including RF, magnets, targets and sources. Participants will submit LoI, contributed papers, take part in corresponding workshops and events, contribute to writing summaries and take part in the general Snowmass'21 events.

Each AF Working group will address the overall questions:
1. What is needed to advance the physics?
2. What is currently available (state of the art) around the world?
3. What new accelerator facilities could be available on the next decade (or next next decade)?
4. What R&D would enable these future opportunities?
5. What are the time and cost scales of the R&D and associated test facilities as well as the time and cost scale of the facility?

Topical groups, Group Conveners, and Liasons

Topical GroupCo-Conveners
AF1 Beam Physics & Acc. Education Mei Bai (SLAC) Zhirong Huang (SLAC) Steve Lund (MSU)
AF2 Accelerators for Neutrinos John Galambos (ORNL) Bob Zwaska (FNAL) Gianluigi Arduini (CERN)
AF3 Accelerators for EW/Higgs Goerg Hoffstaetter (Cornell) Qing Qin (IHEP) Frank Zimmermann (CERN) Angeles Faus-Golfe (IN2P3)
AF4 Multi-TeV Colliders Mark Palmer (BNL) Nadia Pastrone (INFN) Jingyu Tang (IHEP) Alexander Valishev (FNAL)
AF5 Accelerators for PBC & Rare Processes Mike Lamont (CERN) Richard Milner (MIT) Eric Prebys (UC Davis)
AF6 Advanced Acc. Concepts Ralph Assmann (DESY) Cameron Geddes (LBNL) Mark Hogan (SLAC) Pietro Musumeci (UCLA)
AF7 Accelerator Technology
RF Emilio Nanni (SLAC) Sergey Belomestnykh (FNAL) Hans Weise (DESY)
Magnets Susana Bermudez (CERN) Gianluca Sabbi (LBNL) Sasha Zlobin (FNAL)
Targets/Sources Charlotte Barbier (ORNL) Frederique Pellemoine (FNAL) Yin-E Sun (ANL)
ITF Implementation Task Force Thomas Roser (BNL)


  • AF to Theory Frontier - LianTao Wang (U Chicago)
  • Rare Processes - Robert Bernstein (FNAL)
  • Neutrino Frontier - Laura Fields (FNAL) and Alycia Marino (Colorado)
  • Energy Frontier - Meenakshi Narain (Brown) and Dmitri Denisov (BNL)
  • Instrumentation Frontier - Andy White (UTA)
  • Computation Frontier - Jean-Luc Vay (LBNL)
  • Community Engagement - Jeoren van Tilborg (LBNL)
  • Snowmass Young - Edith Nissen (Jlab) and Nikita Kuklev (U.Chicago)

Useful References

Meetings and Calendar

* Snowmass 21/22 Community Summer Study (Seattle, July 17-26) - REGISTER ASAP

Submitted LOI

Letters of Intent submitted to Energy Frontier (as primary frontier) shown in this link. Here is the list of submitted LOI that include AF as primary or secondary topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

<hidden click here to view LoIs submitted to this frontier> </hidden>

accelerator/start.1675096589.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/30 10:36 by shiltsev

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