How to create a Fermilab services account
This looks annoying but it takes 5 min. Go to
then you will see a bunch of drop-down menus.
- Affiliation: most important one, find “Snowmass” just above Fermilab organizations and choose that.
- First Name, Last Name, etc.
- Professional Class, pick one
- joint appointee, probably not. You know if you are.
- home institution, probably there, “other” is at the bottom
- answer the questions about badges, IDs, etc. Unless you plan to be on site for an extended time you can say no. If you want one, ask for it.
- contact information: put me, rhbobAtfnalDOTgov, x2035
- institution point of contact: your dean, dept head, etc. This is for emergencies.
- emergency contact: ditto, family/friends/etc
- basic computer security training: look at the slides, which tell you basic things everyone should know. About a minute.
- security question
- get a services account password from the service desk at the number they give. You will need this for getting into FNAL dbases. It also gives you a email address if you ever want to use one.
I will then get emails to approve you. If I'm not fast enough you will get emails about training, but I can turn those off – for Snowmass related work you are now done.
communicationtypes/service_account.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/15 10:34 by rhbob