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CompF5: End user analysis

Working Group Co-Conveners

Name Institution email
Gavin DaviesMississippigsdavies[at]
Peter OnyisiTexasponyisi[at]
Amy RobertsUC Denver amy.roberts[at]

Joining the Group

We are on the #compf05-useranalysis channel in the Snowmass Slack, and important announcements are sent via snowmass-compf5-useranalysis[at] (subscribe via this link).

The Indico category that includes our meetings is here.

Topics for Letters of Interest & White Papers

Community input is a critical part of the Snowmass process. We encourage letters of interest (LOI) and white papers discussing the following (non-exclusive) list of topics relevant to end-user analysis:

  • Hardware for analysis facilities
  • Use of accelerators
  • Analysis libraries
  • Data storage formats & dataset bookkeeping
  • Programming languages
  • Software for collaboration: version control, messaging
  • “Real-time” analysis
  • Long-term reproducibility and preservation

Please consider the following aspects when preparing LOIs and white papers.

  • Sustainability, both technical and human
    • Documentation
    • Training
    • Long-term software support & development
    • Integration with the broader ecosystem
    • Broad applicability to the field
    • Hardware facility evolution
  • Interaction with other scientific fields & industry
    • Role of proprietary technology
    • Potential contributions to computing outside HEP
  • User experience
    • Ease of use & setup
    • Scalability of technologies
    • Required training and broad applicability of training to other domains
    • Accessibility


  • Functional areas
    • Making plots and tables
    • Statistical tools
    • Making it easier for users to analyze data (single namespace, data delivery, … )
  • Mandate
    • Define end user analysis and describe the end user analysis needs of the stakeholders
    • What are the end user analysis resource needs and performance needs of the stakeholders?
    • Coordinate tightly with “Storage and processing resource access” working group, do we need to integrate data aggregation more tightly into the data layer?
    • What are technology solutions (both hardware and software) that are or will be used by the stakeholders?
    • What is the evolution of these technologies?
    • How are these solutions embedded in industry solutions or solutions used by other science domains?
    • questions about statistical tools, to be filled
    • Ensure balance between ROOT/C++ experts and new technology experts
    • version control ♦
    • slack and similar tools
    • ZOOM, Skype
    • What tools are used/needed by the stakeholders to develop code collaboratively, to communicate?
    • How is the intra stakeholder communication working, how will it work in the future?
    • Proprietary software, licenses ♦
    • VMs, containers ♦
    • Integration of external packages into experiment software stacks
    • What are other science domains using, what is industry using?

Items marked with ♦ are also being considered by CompF8: Reinterpretation and long-term preservation of data and code. Our groups will discuss these items once we have identified needs within our individual working groups.

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

computational/analysis.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/01 16:36 by chekanov