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CompF2: Theoretical Calculations and Simulation

Working Group Co-Conveners

Name Institution email
Peter BoyleBNLpboyle[at]
V. Daniel ElviraFNALdaniel[at]
Ji QiangLBLjqiang[at]


  • Remark: Reason to separate “experimental algorithm parallelization” from “theoretical calculations and simulations”
    • See explanation above in the “Experimental Algorithm Parallelization” working group
  • Functional areas
    • Theoretical calculations (high-order perturbative calculations and lattice field theory)
    • Detector simulations (Geant, … )
    • Particle accelerator modelings (
    • Event generators
    • Cosmic frontier simulations
    • Utilization of CPU, accelerator hardware and what comes next in 5-10 years
  • Mandate
    • Describe theoretical calculations, detector simulations, accelerator modelings, event generators that are or will be used by the stakeholders
    • What are the processing resource needed to execute theoretical calculations and simulations
    • What is the technology evolution of processing resources?
      • Coordinate with theoretical calculations and simulations working group
    • How will stakeholders be able to design and write physics algorithms for these processing resources?
      • Coordinate with theoretical calculations and simulations working group
    • How can coding standards and performance standards be used?
      • Coordinate with theoretical calculations and simulations working group, and Collaboration and Ecosystem working group
    • How are the solutions used by the community embedded derived from solutions from industry/other science domains
      • Connections with ML (accelerating calculations, more efficient phase space sampling, lattice QCD, …)

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

computational/simulations.1598996249.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/01 16:37 by chekanov

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