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Core Principles and Community Guidelines

The DPF is committed to making its events and activities welcoming environments in which all participants can freely exchange scientific ideas and conceptualize the future of the field in a respectful and constructive manner. To further this goal, the DPF has established Core Principles and Community Guidelines (CPCG) that govern conduct at all DPF-sponsored activities, including all aspects of the Snowmass Process (e.g., remote and in-person meetings, Slack workspaces, and email communications). The CPCG was drafted in Spring 2020 by the DPF Ethics Task Force. As of November 2020, maintaining and enforcing the CPCG is the responsibility of the DPF Ethics Advisory Committee.

The CPCG is a living document that will evolve as needed to clarify the existing content, address new issues that arise, and reflect changing community and societal norms. Input from the community is welcome any time, either via email or Slack message to the DPF Ethics Advisory Committee or through this form. Comments may be signed or anonymous. We ask that all feedback on the CPCG be constructive, delivered respectfully, and otherwise follow the spirit of the CPCG.

DPF Ethics Advisory Committee

The DPF Ethics Advisory Committee (EAC) shall consist of nine members appointed by the DPF Chair in consultation with the DPF Executive Committee, following a call for nominations. These members shall represent a wide variety of professional and personal backgrounds across the DPF membership who are committed to creating a safe professional community in which to collaborate. At least two members of the Committee shall be early career members of the DPF, and the Committee shall include one graduate student. The EAC will appoint a Chair among its serving members. The term of all appointees shall be two years. Terms are renewable, but an individual should not serve more than four consecutive years.

Inaugural members are (November 2020 - October 2022):

Responsibilities of the Ethics Advisory Committee include:

  • Participating in training and self-educate in anti-harassment and anti-racist practices.
  • Identifying and making available educational materials as needed to support ethical best practices involving physicists at educational institutions, and in governmental and industrial research laboratories.
  • Proposing and overseeing the development and implementation of ethics policies for the DPF.
  • Regularly reviewing, and when necessary modifying, the DPF Core Principles and Community Guidelines (CP&CG) for consistency with current standards and practices, or in response to current events and community feedback.
  • Resolving complaints of CP&CG violations as outlined in the CP&CG accountability document.
  • Referring issues to the APS Ethics Committee when appropriate.

Within the Ethics Advisory Committee, the Code-of-Conduct Response Team (CRT) is responsible for receiving, investigating, and responding to reported violations of the CP&CG. Contact information for all CRT members is provided above.

DPF Ethics Task Force

Members (April 2020 - October 2020)

  • Ketevi Assamagan
  • Carla Bonifazi
  • Mu-Chun Chen
  • Prisca Cushman
  • Andre de Gouvea
  • Young-Kee Kim (ex-officio)
  • Samuel Meehan
  • Sara Simon
  • Lauren Tompkins (chair)
  • Elizabeth Worcester
cpcg/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/14 13:27 by ruthv