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EF10: BSM: Dark Matter at colliders


This topical group focuses on Dark Matter and Dark Sector searches at high energy colliders. We will also address the complementarity between the collider searches and other probes of dark matter. This page collects information on the topics under consideration, activity organization, and other useful details. The content of this page will evolve based on input from the community.


The studies will focus on the following benchmark scenarios.

  • Testing WIMP models: electroweak multiplet, vector and scalar mediator simplified models, and Higgs portal
  • Testing models targeting different DM masses and couplings with respect to the WIMP, as well as portals through dark photon and generic dark scalar/pseudoscalar.

This is an evolving list, we are open to new ideas from the community.

We will consider the sensitivities of HL-LHC and proposed future colliders including CLIC, FCC(ee, hh, eh), CEPC, SppC, ILC, and muon colliders studied in the Accelerator Frontier. The collider signals we will consider and discuss in EF10 are primarily missing transverse momentum signatures, but we will also consider the DM interpretation of searches for visible decays of the mediators, rare decay of H/Z/top/mesons, and other non-standard signatures. We will also consider projections from experiments near/at colliders, such as FASER/CODEX-b/Mathusla, etc, in collaboration with the Rare Processes and Precision Frontier. We will also consider complementarity with direct detection (Underground Facilities), indirect detection and astrophysical probes of dark matter (CF1, CF2, CF3), cosmological observations), fixed target (RF6). We also aim to include new ideas of dark matter (theory, CFX)

Common EF activities with EF10 summaries

  • EF kick-off workshop - May 21st: agenda
  • EF workshop - July 20th-22nd agenda



Submitted LOI

Letters of Intent submitted to Energy Frontier (as primary frontier) shown in this link. Here is the list of submitted LOIs that include EF as primary or secondary topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

energy/dark_matter.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/29 10:10 by doglioni