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Frontier Conveners

Name Institution email
Meenakshi NarainBrown Universitymeenakshi_narain[at]
Laura ReinaFlorida State Universityreina[at]
Alessandro TricoliBrookhaven National Laboratoryatricoli[at]


The Energy Frontier (EF) group will explore the TeV energy scale and beyond. Our sharply focussed agenda includes understanding the heaviest particles of the Standard Model (SM), as well as exploring physics beyond the SM to discover new particles and interactions, including unraveling the mystery of dark matter. In this context, the EF group will carry out (and compile) detailed studies of Electroweak (EW) physics, QCD and strong interactions, and Beyond-Standard-Model (BSM) physics under different future accelerator scenarios, including lepton-lepton, hadron-hadron, and lepton-hadron colliders.

In more detail, the EF group will investigate the reach and future prospects of EW physics, with emphasis on the Higgs sector, such as Higgs-boson properties and couplings, Higgs boson as a portal to new physics, as well as Standard Model gauge-bosons scattering and production, and how they can be fed into precision EW fits to constrain new physics in a more model-independent way. As part of the EF portfolio, there will be studies of top-, bottom-, and charm-quark production. The impact of higher-order EW corrections in high-energy collisions will be an overarching theme that will cut across all precision studies.

In the context of QCD physics, the EF group will study how cutting-edge developments in higher-order perturbative QCD calculations and jet structure description can enhance precision physics and the reach for new physics at high-energy colliders, with particular emphasis on future scenarios. In addition, prospect measurements of the strong coupling constant and its running, as well as quark masses will be tackled. As in previous hadron colliders, we expect that several precision QCD measurements, e.g. W/Z(+jets), will be used in future hadron colliders as inputs to global PDF fits. Monte Carlo event generators will be very important in any future collider and we expect developments in the event generations, in terms of higher orders in QCD and EW calculations as well as in the computational techniques. In the QCD sector, we will also study hadronic structures, hadron spectroscopy, and forward QCD physics. We expect that results from lattice QCD calculations will provide valuable inputs in several QCD studies. In parallel, we will study prospects for heavy-ion physics at future colliders, with particular emphasis on the impact that this will have on the physics program of the EF.

An important part of the EF group effort will be dedicated to studies of physics beyond the Standard Model, both in a model-dependent and in a model-independent way. Examples of the first category are searches for SUSY, composite models, extended scalar sectors, FCNC, rare top decays, and rare H decays in specific models, while example of the second category are MET signatures, new bosons, new fermions, long-lived particle searches, and studies of general effective-field-theory interactions induced by unknown BSM physics. Dark matter and dark sector searches are at the core of a large fraction of BSM searches at colliders and will play a major role in the BSM physics studies of the EF.

These topics are divided into the following 3 categories that comprise of 10 topical groups with two or three convenors each:

Topical Group Conveners

Topical Group Co-Conveners
EF01: EW Physics: Higgs Boson properties and couplings Sally Dawson (BNL), Caterina Vernieri (SLAC)
EF02: EW Physics: Higgs Boson as a portal to new physicsPatrick Meade (Stony Brook), Isobel Ojalvo (Princeton)
EF03: EW Physics: Heavy flavor and top quark physicsReinhard Schwienhorst (MSU), Doreen Wackeroth (Buffalo)
EF04: EW Physics: EW Precision Physics and constraining new physics Alberto Belloni (Maryland), Ayres Freitas (Pittsburgh), Junping Tian (Tokyo)
EF05: QCD and strong interactions:Precision QCDMichael Begel (BNL), Stefan Hoeche (FNAL), Michael Schmitt (Northwestern)
EF06: QCD and strong interactions:Hadronic structure and forward QCD Huey-Wen Lin (MSU), Pavel Nadolsky (SMU), Christophe Royon (Kansas)
EF07: QCD and strong interactions: Heavy IonsYen-Jie Lee (MIT), Swagato Mukherjee (BNL)
EF08: BSM: Model specific explorationsJim Hirschauer (FNAL), Elliot Lipeles (UPenn), Nausheen Shah (Wayne State)
EF09: BSM: More general explorationsTulika Bose (U Wisconsin-Madison), Zhen Liu (Maryland), Simone Griso (LBL)
EF10: BSM: Dark Matter at collidersCaterina Doglioni (Lund), LianTao Wang (Chicago), Antonio Boveia (Ohio State)

In addition, we foresee strong liaisons with other frontier groups, such as computing, cosmic, theory, accelerator, instrumentation, and rare processes and precision measurements. The official liaison people between the Energy Frontier and other Frontiers are listed below.

Meetings & Calendar

Follow the Meetings & Calendar Page to be up to date with planned meetings

Topical Group Pages

Table of Colliders Options

Here follows a Table with a list of collider scenarios considered in the Energy Frontier proceedings, including center of mass energies, integrated luminosities and beam polarization. This list is by no means exhaustive, but is intended to provide a common basis for studies across the Energy Frontier such that they can be compared based on common assumptions on basic accelerator parameters.


Monte Carlo Task Force

Requesting Monte Carlo samples using Energy Frontier Monte Carlo Page.

Muon Forum

Discussion Forum on Muon Collider Energy Frontier Muon Forum Page.

Frontier-to-Frontier Liaisons

List of Official Liaisons between the Energy Frontier and other Frontiers:

Other Frontier Liaisons
Neutrino Physics Frontier André de Gouvêa (Northwestern)
Rare Processes and Precision Manuel Franco Sevilla (Maryland)
Cosmic Frontier Caterina Doglioni (Lund), Antonio Boveia (Ohio State)
Theory Frontier Laura Reina (FSU)
Accelerator Frontier Dmitri Denisov (BNL), Meenakshi Narain (Brown)
Computational Frontier Peter Onyisi (U.Texas)
Instrumentation Frontier Caterina Vernieri (SLAC), Maksym Titov (CEA Saclay)
Community Engagement Frontier Daniel Whiteson (UCI), Sergei Gleyzer (Alabama)


Follow the Communication page to learn how to communicate with the EF and how to stay up-to-date with activities.

Guidelines for implementation of Snowmass Delay by Energy Frontier is posted on the page Snowmass Delay EF Guidelines

Submitted LOI

Letters of Intent submitted to Energy Frontier (as primary frontier) shown in this link.

Here is the list of submitted LOIs that include EF as primary or secondary topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. Please go to the “topical” group to see the LOIs submitted to specific topics. Documents with “EF0” will be shown only here (no specific topic).

<hidden click here to view LoIs submitted to this frontier> </hidden>

Final Reports

Here is the list of the final of reports in the Energy Frontier:

  1. Higgs Boson Physics (EF01 and EF02) Report - Final: ArXiv Link
  2. Top quark physics and heavy flavor production (EF03) Report: ArXiv Link
  3. Electroweak Precision Physics and Constraining New Physics (EF04) Report: ArXiv Link
  4. Precision QCD, Hadronic Structure & Forward QCD, Heavy Ions (EF05, EF06 and EF07) Report: ArXiv Link
  5. Beyond the SM Physics (EF08, EF09 and EF10) Report: ArXiv Link
  6. Energy Frontier Report: ArXiv Link

The Energy Frontier vision, as outlined in the above reports, has been formulated from the input received from the Energy Frontier community during the Snowmass process, including white-papers, energy-frontier-wide meetings and workshops, regular topical group meetings, Agora' events on future colliders, and the direct input from the community. The vision shared by members of the EF community after the Energy Frontier Workshop in March/April 2022 is included verbatim in the following document: efcommunityinput.pdf.

Here follow the e+e- Collider Forum and Muon Collider Forum Reports:

energy/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/06 12:06 by convener

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