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The EF MC Task Force developed a plan for production of large background MC samples necessary to support the wide range of studies foreseen for Snowmass. This plan is now being carried out by the EF MC Production Team, using resources provided by the OSG.

Snowmass Connect

The OSG has kindly provided an interactive login node and condor resources for Snowmass activities. This service is referred to as “Snowmss Connect” and can be used for any Snowmass-related activities; generation of MC, analysis, etc. Information to obtain an account, as well as user documentation, is available here:

Background MC Request

The success of the Snowmass Energy Frontier effort depends crucially on the analysis of a wide variety of MC samples for various future colliders/detectors. Collaborations for future collider proposals have produced many such samples, using simulation frameworks of varying degrees of sophistication. However, production of additional samples may be necessary to conduct proposed studies for Snowmass 2021.

Similar to Snowmass 2013, a coherent set of SM background samples will be produced proactively for proposed proton-proton machines with Delphes. If additional samples/statistics are required, they can be requested below. For Snowmass 2021, we also plan to produce background MC samples for lepton-lepton and lepton-hadron machines. These samples will be produced in an on-demand basis, and must be requested below. All samples will be produced on a best-effort basis, and volunteers to help with the effort are very welcome. More information on MC production plans can be found here:

Before making a request, please review the following google doc, which summarizes the availability of MC samples for various proposed machines:

Requests for production of SM background samples can be made here:

Monte Carlo Production Team

Name Institution email
John Stupak (chair) University of Oklahoma john.stupak[at]
Chris Hayes University of Michiganhayeschr[at]
Karol Krizka University of Chicago kkrizka[at]
Federica Legger INFN Turin federica.legger[at]
Andrew MeloVanderbilt University andrew.m.melo[at]
Pascal Paschos University of Chicago paschos[at]
Horst Severini University of Oklahomaseverini[at]
Giordon Stark University of California Santa Cruz gstark[at]
Thiago Tomei Sao Paulo State University thiago.tomei[at]
Patricia Rebello TelesRio de Janeiro State Universitypatricia.rebello.teles[at]
Chris Walker University of Oklahomawalker[at]
David YuBrown University david_yu[at]

Monte Carlo Task Force

Charge, etc.:

Name Institution email
John Stupak (chair) University of Oklahoma john.stupak[at]
Robert GardnerUniversity of Chicago rwg[at]
Simone Pagan GrisoLBNL spagangriso[at]
Stefan Hoeche FNAL shoeche[at]
Fabio Maltoni CP3, Catholic University of Louvain maltoni.fabio[at]
Meenakshi NarainBrown University meenakshi.narain[at]
Isabel OjalvoPrinceton University isabel.rose.ojalvo[at]
Laura ReinaFlorida State University reina[at]
Michael SchmittNorthwestern University m-schmitt[at]
Alessandro Tricoli Brookhaven National Laboratory atricoli[at]

Summary of simulation frameworks and pre-existing MC samples

We have reached out to the various future collider collaborations to collect information regarding MC simulation frameworks and existing MC samples. The collected information is available here.

Summary of background MC samples produced for Snowmass 2021

The samples described below do not have include matrix element/parton shower matching and marging (nor have they been thoroughly validated), and therefore should not be used for a physics analysis. A followup production was planned, but did not converge in time for the whitepaper submission deadline.

Location: Snowmass Connect ( - /collab/project/snowmass21/data/smmc/v0.1/r1/

This data can also be download via the web:

Detector Card: FCChh.tcl

Process Cross Section [mb]

Benchmark Collider Delphes Cards

MC/Simulation Framework Tutorial Series

We are holding a series of tutorials for a variety of proposed future colliders. The goal of these tutorials is to prepare outside collaborators to conduct physics studies for these machines.

montecarlo/energy.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/14 11:32 by johnstupak