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Co-Conveners: Pilar Coloma (IFT, Madrid), Lisa Koerner (U. of Houston), Ian Shoemaker (Virginia Tech), Jae Yu (UT Arlington)


This topical group focuses on searches for signals from physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM), both from a theoretical and experimental perspective. Specific topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

Neutrino-related BSM topics:

  1. Sterile Neutrino (aka Heavy Neutral Lepton) signals in a variety of experiments: fixed targets, atmospheric neutrinos, colliders, supernovae, etc
  2. Imprints of Kaluza-Klein modes in oscillations, in models with extra dimensions.
  3. Searches for Lorentz and CPT violation signals.
  4. Non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI) and non-unitarity of the PMNS (NU), including NSI from models with new light mediators (Z').
  5. Testable Leptogenesis scenarios, specially those originating from low-scale seesaw models
  6. Models leading to neutrino-dark matter portals, and bounds from neutrino experiments.
  7. Neutrino tridents in models with new low-mass mediators
  8. Bounds on neutrino decay from oscillation data (solar, long-baseline, short-baseline), as well as from high-energy astrophysical neutrinos.

Searches for BSM in other sectors using Neutrino Facilities:

  1. Searches for low-mass dark matter/dark photons using neutrino beam experiments, including dark tridents
  2. Searches for (in)elastic boosted dark matter in large neutrino detectors
  3. Searches for milli-charged particles, using neutrino beam experiments as well as atmospheric neutrino detectors
  4. Baryon number violation in large neutrino detectors, including nucleon decay and n-nbar oscillations
  5. Lepton-flavor violation searches, and their consequences for neutrino mass models
  6. Neutrinoless double-beta decay: current status, prospects and implications for neutrino mass models


Kick-off meeting: a fully virtual meeting which will span two 3-hour sessions, divided into two different days:

  1. September 17th (9am to 12pm Chicago time): this day will be devoted to BSM in the neutrino sector. Indico page:
  2. October 1st (9am to 12pm Chicago time): this day will be devoted to BSM scenarios in other sectors, that can be tested using neutrino experiments. Indico page:

The program will include a combination of general overview talks, more focused talks by authors of specific LoIs, and discussion sessions.

Joint workshop with other topical groups: this will be a joint workshop between several topical groups in the Neutrino Frontier, Rare Processes & Precision Frontier, and Theory Frontier. Depending on the situation regarding the COVID pandemic, this may be a face-to-face workshop, or a fully virtual one. Tentative dates are Feb 24 - Feb 27, 2021. More information will follow soon.

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

neutrino/bsm/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/31 10:22 by chekanov