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NF01: Neutrino Oscillations

Co-Conveners: Peter B. Denton (BNL), Megan Friend (KEK), Mark Messier (Indiana U.), Hiro Tanaka (SLAC)


Physics of neutrino oscillations in the three-flavor paradigm.


A brief overview of the goals of the topical group, many of which have connections with many of the other topical groups


  1. Accelerator: short baseline, long baseline
  2. Reactor: short baseline, medium baseline, long baseline
  3. Solar
  4. Atmospheric
  5. Low energy astrophysical (supernova, diffuse supernova neutrino background, cosmic neutrino background, …)
  6. High energy astrophysical
  7. Neutrino oscillation theory

Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) in Oscillations

  1. Light steriles (~1 eV)
  2. Neutrino Non-Standard Interactions (NSI)
  3. Unitarity
  4. Decay
  5. Decoherence
  6. Large Extra Dimensions (LED)
  7. Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) / CPT violation
  8. Unparticles
  9. Combinations of the above


We will have a series of six short 1.5 hour meetings to discuss the present and future status of neutrino oscillations. All times are eastern time. Each meeting will have three 20 minute talks followed by 30 minutes of open discussion including mini talks by anyone who would like to. Please register in advance.

  1. Thursday, September 3, 11 AM: Global fits, NOvA, and T2K.
  2. Friday, September 11, 10 AM: JUNO, SuperK, IceCube.
  3. Friday, October 2, 10 AM: Precision, DUNE, T2HK oscillations.
  4. Friday, October 23, 10 AM: DUNE/T2HK upgrade options.
  5. Thursday, October 29, 11 AM: nuSTORM and SK/HK-Gd.
  6. Thursday, November 19, 9 AM: Cross sections for oscillations, PRISM, electron scattering.


April 28, 2020 meeting: nu_osc_snowmass_20_04_28.pdf

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topical group. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

neutrino/oscillations/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/25 15:04 by jazzwhiz