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Frontier Conveners

Name Institution email
Patrick HuberVirginia Techpahuber[at]
Kate ScholbergDuke Universitykate.scholberg[at]
Elizabeth WorcesterBrookhaven National Laboratoryetw[at]bnl


This Frontier covers topics relevant to physics associated with neutrinos.

Topical groups

Liaisons with other frontiers:

  • Computational Frontier: Alex Himmel (FNAL)
  • Cosmic Frontier: Kim Palladino (Oxford U.) and Yvonne Wong (University of New South Wales)
  • Rare Processes and Precision: Bob Bernstein (FNAL)
  • Accelerator Frontier: Alysia Marino (U. of Colorado, Boulder), starting Nov 1
  • Energy Frontier: André de Gouvêa (Northwestern U.)
  • Instrumentation Frontier: Mayly Sanchez (Iowa State U.)
  • Community Engagement Frontier: Claire Lee (FNAL)
  • Underground Facilities Frontier: Albert De Roeck (CERN)
  • Theory Frontier: K.S. Babu (Oklahoma State) and Irina Mocioiu (Penn State)

NF Report Drafts

CSS Early Career Presentations

The Neutrino Frontier is planning to use some of our parallel time at the Seattle Community Summer Study meeting on talk presentations from early career participants.

We are hoping for as many of these as possible to be in person, although we will accommodate remote talks. You must be registered for the meeting in order to present. The time allotted per presentation will depend on the total number of presentations and amount of time available.

Please submit abstracts by June 1, here:

If you need confirmation of a talk slot by a particular date, or if you have constraints, please let us know in the comments (although please be aware that we may not be able to provide information about specifics of talk length and scheduling until later in June.)

It is okay if your talk presentation content overlaps with poster presentation content. Any NF-related topic is eligible, including topics overlapping with other frontiers.

Snowmass Neutrino Colloquia

We are planning a series of colloquia for a Snowmass-wide audience in March and April. The dates are: (times US Eastern).

  1. April 6 1-3 pm Neutrinos in the Three-Flavor Paradigm Registration is open.
  2. April 20 10 am-noon Beyond the Standard Model

Report drafts

Topical group report drafts and links for feedback

Deadlines for Reports

Here are the deadlines and a flow chart describing the process of drafts and community feedback for the NF summary and topical group reports. deadline_flowchart.pdf

Neutrino Frontier Meeting

The dates for the Neutrino Frontier Meeting are set: March 16-18, 2022. The meeting was be hosted by ORNL. The meeting was hybrid with most participants remote.

Community Feedback Meetings

We held a series of 1.5 hour meetings for the 10 topical groups to present to the community the main planned content of their report writeups.

Date, Time (US Eastern) Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Wednesday January 26, 2 pm Intro NF01
Wednesday February 9, 10 am NF02 NF10 NF08/TF11
Friday February 25, 2 pm NF07 NF09NF04
Tuesday March 8, 2 pm NF05 NF03 NF06

Planned Snowmass NF Contributions

We are collecting information about planned NF contributions (“white papers”) with this Google form, to aid conveners with coordination. To help community members find others planning similar activities and contributions, here are the submissions. We will update this spreadsheet approximately weekly.


  • Neutrino Frontier Meeting Calendar: click here for direct link, or see it below:

  • Meetings are via Indico. Go to the Indico link for our Frontier to find agendas and minutes.
  • Please join the Snowmass Slack workspace ! There's a #neutrinos channel, and channels for the topical groups:
    • #neutrino_oscillations
    • #neutrino_sterile
    • #neutrino_bsm
    • #neutrino_natural_sources
    • #neutrino_properties
    • #neutrino_xsecs
    • #neutrino_nuclear_safeguards
    • #neutrino_theory
    • #neutrino_artificial_sources
    • #neutrino_detectors

We expect most discussion to happen on Slack.

  • We have a mailing list: SNOWMASS-NEUTRINO-FRONTIER. It's a FNAL listserv list. See here for instructions on how to join it. This will be used mostly for announcements.
  • We have FNAL listserv mailing lists for all of the topical groups, too. Please join them if interested!

Past Information

White Paper Coordination Meetings

As we wake up from the pause, we are organizing 1.5-hour “white paper coordination meetings” featuring NF-related white-papers-in-progress. Each meeting has nominally two 45-minute slots (although there is flexibility for use of them.) The idea will be to coordinate submissions and get people working together effectively. You are encouraged to contact the Topical Group conveners if you would like to lead or participate in one of these coordination meetings- for example, you might want to recruit collaborators, or to explore a joint white paper with another group or between Frontiers. We fully expect some of these to lead to dedicated further meetings on a particular topic.

We have allocated time slots about every two weeks, but we can add more or find different times if there is demand.

The Zooms for these are sent by email to the NF mailing list and posted in the #neutrino channel in Slack, several days ahead.

Date, Time (US Eastern) Slot 1 Topic (contact) Slot 2 Topic (contact)
July 28, 10 am Kickoff CEvNS (Louis Strigari, Phil Barbeau, Raimund Strauss)
August 27, 9 am Tau neutrinos (Andre de Gouvea, Peter Denton, Irina Mocioiu) Sterile neutrinos (Georgia Karagiorgi, Bryce Littlejohn, et al.)
Sept 7, 6 pmEarly career meeting (Jacob Zettlemoyer) Early career meeting
September 22, 10 am Neutrino Self-Interactions (Kevin Kelly, Nikita Blinov, Mauricio Bustamante, and Yue Zhang)
October 7, 6 pm STS Neutrinos (Kate Scholberg, Jason Newby) NF06: Neutrino Cross Sections (Kendall Mahn)
October 22, 9 am Theory of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (TF11/NF09, Saori Pastore) Reactor neutrinos (Nathaniel Bowden, Bryce Littlejohn, Pedro Ochoa)
November 2, **10 am** [note: rescheduled from 6 pm] Forward Physics Facility for the HL-LHC era (Jonathan Feng, Maria Vittoria Garzelli, Felix Kling, Milind Diwan) BSM effects on neutrino flavor (Pilar Coloma, David Forero, Teppei Katori)
November 17, 10 am Low Energy Physics in Liquid Argon (LEPLAr organizers) NF Community Engagement (Claire Lee)
December 10, 10 am Cosmic Neutrino Background (Chris Tully) Neutrinos at ORNL (Kate Scholberg, Louis Strigari, Rex Tayloe, Jason Newby)
December 14, 11 am Synergy between cosmological and laboratory probes of neutrino properties (Martina Gerbino, Evan Grohs, Massimiliano Lattanzi)
December 17, 12 pm Computing discussion (1 hour) (Alex Himmel, Mike Kirby, Heidi Schellman) Low Background LAr Module (Eric Church, Chris Jackson, Juergen Reichenbacher) NuStorm (Ken Long)

Waking Up From the Pause

We are planning to resume Neutrino Frontier Snowmass activities towards the end of the month of June 2021.

* The Topical Group conveners will resume regular meetings, starting June 24.

* The dates for the Neutrino Frontier meeting are set: March 16-18, 2022. The meeting will be hosted by ORNL. We are hoping that it will be in-person, although formal approval of this is not yet possible, so initial plans are for a virtual meeting.

* The pan-Snowmass white paper deadline is March 15, 2022. We have a Google forms link where you can submit information about planned NF-related white papers and a spreadsheet updated around once a week, where you can see what is being planned by community members (so you can get in touch with them if you wish).

* Starting later in the summer, we will be planning regular NF-community-wide (virtual) meetings featuring planned white papers, based on the submissions via this form. The idea will be to coordinate submissions and get people working together appropriately. Topical Group conveners will suggest these. We are happy to get your input about topics to cover.

* Please expect to hear more from us around the end of June.

Snowmass Pause

After taking into account input from the Topical Group conveners and the community, we plan to have approximately a six-month pause in Snowmass activity for the Neutrino Frontier, with activities restarting up no earlier than June 2021.

  1. The NF meeting planned for mid-March will be rescheduled for 2022 (assuming in person, it will be at ORNL).
  2. Some already-scheduled activities will still take place, but no new Snowmass NF workshops and meetings will be scheduled during the pause. Please see the calendar below for more information.
  3. Conversations and collaborative activities can of course still take place on Slack and elsewhere during the pause, as community members wish.
  4. Snowmass contributions are driven by the community, and of course, work on these can still take place as desired.
  5. We’ll send occasional update pings to the community during the pause, and we will communicate the detailed plan for work following the pause as it is developed.

Submitted LOIs (2020)

Letters of Intent submitted to Neutrino Frontier are shown in this link. Here is the list of submitted LOIs that include NF as primary or secondary topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission. Please go to the “topical” group to see the LOIs submitted to specific topics. <hidden click here to view LoIs submitted to this frontier> </hidden>

We have assigned each NF-relevant LOI to one or more NF topical groups, so that the topical group conveners are aware of the content . A spreadsheet with LOI information can be found here .

Past Information on LOI submission (2020)

The topical group conveners need timely input in order to plan activities effectively. The August 31, 2020 deadline is a hard deadline for NF LOIs. We will guarantee consideration of LOIs submitted by this date in planning of activities and writeups. After this deadline, conveners may still consider LOIs, but there is no guarantee.

You are encouraged to use these templates to submit a Snowmass LOI. These are not required, but indicate the information we would like to have. The checkboxes are especially encouraged in order to route LOIs effectively to the right topical groups. Text is limited to two pages. We interpret this limit as referring to the body of the text, and not including title, author list, references, abstract or other preamble material. We ask you to limit abstracts to 200 words.

* Overleaf template

* Google doc template

neutrino/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/17 11:22 by schol