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RF7: Hadron Spectroscopy

Topic Conveners

Name Institution email
Tomasz Skwarnicki Syracuse University tskwarni[at]
Richard LebedArizona State UniversityRichard.Lebed[at]


This Topical Group will address experimental and theoretical aspects concerning

  • precision studies of properties of heavy mesons and baryons
  • exotic heavy or light hadronic states (tetraquarks, pentaquarks, hybrids, glueballs)
  • related theory

The goal is to identify the priorities and challenges and establish a roadmap for the next decades, from ongoing and planned experiments to future colliders/facilities.


There are three subgroups, closely collaborating with each other, each with several sub-conveners representing various experimental and theoretical communities:

SubgroupName Institution email
Heavy-Quark Conventional Hadrons
Bryan Fulsom PNNL bryan.fulsom[at]
Alexis Pompili University of Bari alexis.pompili[at]
Elena Santopinto INFN Genoa Elena.Santopinto[at]
Heavy-Quark Exotic Hadrons
Liupan An CERN[at]
Ryan Mitchell Indiana University remitche[at]
Sasa Prelovsek University of Ljubjana sasa.prelovsek[at]
Light-Quark Exotic Hadrons
Sean Dobbs Florida State University sdobbs[at]
Justin Stevens College of William & Mary jrsteven[at]
Adam Szczepaniak Indiana University aszczepa[at]
June 24,2020 EF06: Hadron Spectroscopy Bryan Fulsom Introduction
Bryan Fulsom Belle II
Tomasz Skwarnicki LHCb
Alexis Pompili ATLAS/CMS
Ryan Mitchell BES III and TCF
Justin Stevens From GlueX/CLAS12 to the EIC
Richard Lebed Theory Overview
July 8,2020 EF Joint Session Bryan Fulsom Hadron Spectroscopy
July 27,2020 RPF Kick-off Meeting RPF conveners (M.A.,B.B.,A.P.) RPF Intro I and Intro II
Tomasz Skwarnicki RF7 Intro - Experimental
Richard Lebed RF7 Intro - Theory
Sept.16,2020 RF7: Heavy-Quark Exotic Hadrons convened by: Liupan An, Ryan Mitchell, Sasa Prelovsek RF7 Meeting Intro
Marek Karliner Interpretations of $c s \bar u \bar d$ and $Q Q \bar Q \bar Q$
Qiang Zhao Theory Considerations for a Fully Charmed Tetraquark
Elena Santopinto Theory view of fully charmed tetraquarks
Feng-Kun Guo Hadron Molecules
Alessandro Pilloni Producing Exotic hadrons at the EIC
Anthony Francis Doubly Heavy Tetraquarks in Lattice QCD
Tim Gershon Displaced $B_c$ Mesons As an Inclusive Signature of Weakly Decaying Double Beauty Hadrons
Sept.23, 2020 RF7:Heavy-Quark Conventional Hadrons convened by: Bryan Fulsom, Alexis Pompili, Elena Santopinto
Atsushi Hosaka Heavy Baryons (Theory)
Ruslan Chistov Heavy Baryons (Experimental)
Miguel Albaladejo Heavy Mesons (Theory)
Marco Pappagallo Heavy Mesons (Experimental)
Eric Swanson Charmonia and Charmonia Hybrids (Theory)
Ryan Mitchell Charmonium (Experimental)
Stephen Godfrey Bottomonium(Theory)
Todd Pedlar Bottomonium (Experimental)
Sept.30,2020 RF7: Light-Quark Exotic Hadrons convened by: Sean Dobbs, Justin Stevens, Adam Szczepaniak
Matt Shepherd Light Exotic Hadrons at GlueX
Beijiang Liu Light Exotic Hadrons at BESIII
Ronan McNulty Light Exotic Hadrons in Central Production at the LHC
Bernhard Ketzer Light Exotic Hadrons at COMPASS
Jo Dudek Light Exotic Hadrons on the Lattice
Gernot Eichmann Phenomenology of Light Exotic Hadrons
Alessandro Pilloni Analysis of Light Exotic Hadron Measurements
Oct.2,2020 RF7 parallel session at RPF Townhall meeting
Vitaly Vorobyev LoI: Precision experiments at Super Charm-Tau Factory
Haipeng Peng LoI:Physics Potential of a Super Tau-Charm Facility
Lingfeng Li LoI:Testing Lepton Flavor Universality at Z pole
Marek Karliner LoI:Hadron-Hadron Spectroscopy
Elena Santopinto LoI:Diquark Structures in Hadron Spectroscopy
Ivan Polyakov Prospect of Hadron Spectroscopy at LHCb
Sasa Prelovsek LoI:Hadron Spectroscopy with Lattice QCD
Alessandro Pilloni LoI:XYZP Spectroscopy at a Charm Photoproduction Factory
Ryan Mitchell LoI:Physics in the Tau-Charm Region of BESIII
Bryan Fulsom LoI:Hadron Spectroscopy at Belle II
Justin Stevens LoI:Hadron Spectroscopy at the Electron Ion Collider
Sean Dobbs LoI:Hadron Spectroscopy with the GlueX Experiment
Astrid N.Hiller Blin LoI:Need for Amplitude Analysis in the Discovery of New Hadrons
Vaia Papadimitriou CMS Engagement in Hadron Spectroscopy
Oct.6,2020 Community Planning: Parallel Session on Exotic Hadrons
Oct.7,2020 RPF Planning Meeting Alexey Petrov Summary of RPF Town Hall Including RF7
Oct.8,2020 Snowmass Community Planning Meeting Marina Artuso RPF Summary
Nov.18,2020 RF7: Opportunities in Hadronic Spectroscopy convened by: Liupan An, Bryan Fulsom, Alexis Pompili, Elena Santopinto
Nora Brambilla Quarkonium with Effective Field Theories
Alexey Petrov Lepton-Flavor Violation in Quarkonium Decays
Stephen Godfrey & Heather Logan BSM Physics with Bottomonium: Light Higgs Searches from $\chi_{b0}$ Decay
Yen-Jie Lee Exotic Hadron Production in High Color Density Environment
Dec.16,2020 RF7/EF06 Joint Meeting convened by: Liupan An, Richard Lebed, Tomasz Skwarnicki (RF7), Pavel Nadolsky (EF06)
Bruce Yabsley Hadron Spectroscopy at ATLAS
Elena Gonzalez Ferreiro Quarkonium and Related Observables from Proton-Proton to Heavy-Ion Collisions
Steven Blusk Hadron Spectroscopy at Energy Frontier Machines
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto Probing Gluon TMDs Using Quarkonium Production
Pieter Taels Gluon TMDs in Electroproduction of Quarkonium
Sep.24,2021 Snowmass Day
Robert Bernstein RPF report
Tomasz Skwarnicki RF7 report
Oct.25,2021 2021 Update on Hadron Spectroscopy convened by: Tomasz Skwarnicki & Rich Lebed
Tomasz Skwarnicki RF7: Welcome Back in 2021
Bryan Fulsom News from Belle II
Xiao-Rui Lyu News and Plan on Hadron Spectroscopy at BESIII
Mikhail Mikhasenko New Results from LHCb
Marek Karliner Theoretical Implications of New Results

Presentations at Rare Processes Frontier Spring Meeting

[Cincinnati, May 16-19, 2022]

Presentations at Snowmass Community Summer Study Meeting

[Seattle, July 17-26, 2022]

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

Additional LoIs relevant to RF7:

J/psi factory




rare/hadron_spectroscopy.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/20 18:02 by rlebed