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“Big Questions in Particle Physics” Colloquium Series— Big Questions in Particle Physics: Particle Astrophysics (with Jordan Goodman & John Beacom). REGISTRATION REQUIRED.


See what we've been up to! Past colloquia installments, meetings, and materials can be found here. Or check out our YouTube channel for recordings.

Snowmass Early Career YouTube Channel

How to Join the Community Online

  1. Send an email message to [email protected],
  2. Leave the subject line blank and
  3. Type “SUBSCRIBE SNOWMASS FIRSTNAME LASTNAME” (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message. This will also get you an invite to join the Snowmass Slack Workspace.
  4. Join the “Snowmass Young” mailing list by emailing to [email protected] with the body of the message “Subscribe snowmass-young FIRSTNAME LASTNAME”.
  5. Join the #welcome-to-snowmass and #snowmass-young Slack channels on the Snowmass slack space. Agendas and presentations of all Snowmass-related meetings are available via this Snowmass Indico link, and SEC-specific meetings are posted on the SEC Indico, as well as the SEC Calendar found at the bottom of this page.

How to Join a Physics Effort

There are a few ways to learn about what is going on with white papers and it probably depends on the group which is best. A good place to start is to make sure you are subscribed to the email listserv and slack channels for the frontier(s) and the topical group(s). That way, if there are public discussions, you will find them. Another good place to check for solicited papers and groups interested in new collaborators is the White Paper Database - you can click the button below and find a pinned link in the #welcome-to-snowmass. You can also check the calendar for your frontier for upcoming events. All frontiers will have a breakout session on Snowmass Day. In principle, the frontier and topical group conveners should update each of these resources, but it's been a long couple years. So, if you're still looking for information, you can find the email addresses of your topical group conveners on the topical group page of the website and ask them what's going on, if anything, in your area.

White Paper Database


Snowmass Early Career (SEC) is composed of early career members in the High-Energy Physics and Astrophysics (HEPA) community. As a guideline, SEC roughly defines early career as students, postdocs, engineers, technicians, faculty, etc., up to ~10 years post-highest degree. However, we recognize that many people have different paths that can include career gaps and changes. We thus encourage anyone that feels that early career applies to them to join the organization. We also encourage those involved in the technical, operations, or engineering aspects of HEPA experiments who may or may not obtain a PhD as part of their career path to join. The Snowmass 2021 process will develop a long-term strategic plan, so the voices of early career members are critically important and we want them to be heard.

What is SEC?

SEC is an organization of early career members in the HEPA community. The goals are three-fold:

  1. To represent early career members and promote their robust engagement in the Snowmass 2021 process to ensure the early career voice shapes future research directions within HEPA
  2. To serve and lead the broader community through early career core initiatives, currently including: a Survey of members of HEPA; efforts to improve & ensure Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in many facets of HEPA; and community Inreach
  3. To build a long-term HEPA early career community that persists after the Snowmass process

Organizational Structure

SEC is organized as follows:

  1. Core Initiatives: Inreach and diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) efforts within and outside of the early career community, as well as establishment and definition of the long-term structure of the early career organization after the Snowmass process.
  2. Survey: Survey the Snowmass community and early career membership
  3. Snowmass Coordination: Coordinate with the Snowmass frontiers and help get early career members involved in the Snowmass process

All three structures will engage with the Snowmass process and the Core Initatives will remain as a standing HEPA early career representative body post-Snowmass. For example, the DEI portion of Core Initiatives would mainly contribute and plug in to existing efforts in the Community Engagement Frontier during Snowmass, but after Snowmass, it would be a standing part of the early career organization that persists.

SEC Leadership

The SEC leadership consists of the current and previous year's DPF Executive Eommittee early career members and 2-3 leaders per key structure, except for Snowmass Coordination which has 2-3 liaisons per Frontier. The Snowmass Advisory Committee agrees that Frontier Conveners should treat SEC liaisons as they would topical group conveners and include them in Topical Group leadership meetings as they would topical conveners (vs. making new meetings).

DPF Executive Committee Early Career Members

Name Institution Email
Julia Gonski (2021)Columbia University, CERNjulia.lynne.gonski[at]
Sara Simon (2020)Fermi National Accelerator Laboratorysimon.sara.m[at]


  • Meetings and materials can be found on our Indico. Go to Snowmass Early Career Indico to find agendas, minutes, etc.
  • SEC Meeting Calendar: Times are in Mountain Time

start/young.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/10 08:33 by kristi.engel