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Submissions to the Snowmass 2021 Proceedings - Cosmic Frontier

Papers of general interest to this frontier

  • Luis A. Anchordoqui, A. Ariga, T. Ariga, et al. “The Forward Physics Facility: Sites, Experiments, and Physics Potential”, arXiv:2109.10905 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF0, RF0, TF0)
  • Jonathan L. Feng, Felix Kling, Mary Hall Reno, Juan Rojo, Dennis Soldin, et al. ”The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC“, arXiv:2203.05090 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF0, RF0, TF0, AF0, IF0)
  • Pouya Asadi, Saurabh Bansal, Asher Berlin, Raymond T. Co, Djuna Croon, Yanou Cui, et al. ”Early-Universe Model Building”, arXiv:2203.06680 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF09)
  • Daniel Carney, Thomas Cecil, John Ellis, R.F. Garcia Ruiz, Andrew A. Geraci, et al. ”Quantum Sensors for HEP Science – Interferometers, Mechanics, Traps, and Clocks”, arXiv:2203.07250 [quant-ph] (pdf). (also under RF0, IF1)
  • Dave Casper, Maria Elena Monzani, Benjamin Nachman, Costas Andreopoulos, Stephen Bailey, Deborah Bard, et al. ”Software and Computing for Small HEP Experiments”, arXiv:2203.07645 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF0, RF0, CompF0)
  • Sunanda Banerjee, D. N. Brown, David N. Brown, Paolo Calafiura, Jacob Calcutt, Philippe Canal, et al. ”Detector and Beamline Simulation for Next-Generation High Energy Physics Experiments”, arXiv:2203.07614 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF0, RF0, IF0, CompF02)
  • A. Alekou, E. Baussan, N. Blaskovic Kraljevic, M. Blennow, M. Bogomilov, E. Bouquerel, et al. ”The European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam“, arXiv:2203.08803 [physics.acc-ph] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, AF0, UF0)
  • Eric Adelberger, Dmitry Budker, Ron Folman, Andrew A. Geraci, Jason T. Harke, et al. ”Precision Studies of Spacetime Symmetries and Gravitational Physics”, arXiv:2203.09691 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under RF0, AF0, IF0)
  • Rouven Essig, Yonatan Kahn, Simon Knapen, Andreas Ringwald, Natalia Toro. ”Theory Frontier: Theory Meets the Lab”, arXiv:2203.10089 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF09, RF06, TF09)
  • Emanuela Barzi, S. James Gates Jr., Roxanne Springer. ”In Search of Excellence and Equity in Physics“, arXiv:2203.10393 [physics.soc-ph] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF0, RF0, TF0, AF01, IF0, CompF0, UF0, CommF0)
  • Henning O. Back, Walter Bonivento, Mark Boulay, Eric Church, Steven R. Elliott, et al. ”A Facility for Low-Radioactivity Underground Argon”, arXiv:2203.09734 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under NF0, IF09, UF04)
  • J. M. Campbell, M. Diefenthaler, T. J. Hobbs, S. Höche, J. Isaacson, F. Kling, et al. ”Event Generators for High-Energy Physics Experiments”, arXiv:2203.11110 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF0, TF0, CompF02)
  • Asher Berlin, Sergey Belomestnykh, Diego Blas, Daniil Frolov, Anthony J. Brady, Caterina Braggio, et al. ”Searches for New Particles, Dark Matter, and Gravitational Waves with SRF Cavities”, arXiv:2203.12714 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF0, IF01, CompF06)
  • M. Endo, K. Hamaguchi, M. Ibe, T. Ishibashi, A. Ishikawa, M. Ishino, M. Ishitsuka, S. Kanemura, M. Kuriki, T. Mori, S. Moriyama, H. Nanjo, W. Ootani, and Y. Sato. ”Japan’s Strategy for Future Projects in High Energy Physics“, arXiv:2203.13979 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF0, RF0, AF0, UF0)
  • Sergey Pereverzev, Gianpaolo Carosi, Viacheslav Li. ”Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors and effect of accumulation and unsteady releases of excess energy in materials”, arXiv:2204.01919 [quant-ph] (pdf). (also under NF0, IF06)
  • Andreas S. Kronfeld, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Thomas Blum, Norman H. Christ, Carleton DeTar, William Detmold, Robert Edwards, Anna Hasenfratz, et al. ”Lattice QCD and Particle Physics”, arXiv:2207.07641 [hep-lat] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF06, RF0, TF05, CompF02)
  • Emanuela Barzi, Simonetta liuti, Christine Nattrass, Roxanne Springer. “How Community Agreements Can Improve Climate in Physics”, arXiv:2209.06755 [physics.soc-ph] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF0, RF0, TF0, AF01, IF0, CompF0, UF0, CommF0)

CF01: Dark matter: particle-like candidates

  • A. Aboubrahim, W.-Z. Feng, P. Nath, Z.-Y. Wang, “Hidden sectors and a multi-temperature universe”, arXiv:2106.06494[hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF08)
  • M. Zaazoua, L. Truong, K. A. Assamagan, F. Fassi, “Higgs portal vector dark matter interpretation: review of Effective Field Theory approach and ultraviolet complete models”, arXiv:2107.01252 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF10)
  • Krystal Alfonso, Gabriela R. Araujo, Laura Baudis, Nathaniel Bowden, et al. ”Passive low energy nuclear recoil detection with color centers – PALEOCCENE”, arXiv:2203.05525 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under NF10, IF03)
  • G. Wang, C. L. Chang, M. Lisovenko, V. Novosad, V. G. Yefremenko, J. Zhang. ”Light Dark Matter Detection with Hydrogen-rich Crystals and Low-Tc TES Detectors“, arXiv:2201.04219 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under IF01)
  • J. Aalbers, K. Abe, V. Aerne), F. Agostini, S. Ahmed Maouloud, D.S. Akerib, et al. ”A Next-Generation Liquid Xenon Observatory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics”, arXiv:2203.02309 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under NF04, RF03, IF08, UF03)
  • Reza Ebadi, Mason C. Marshall, David F. Phillips, Tao Zhou, Michael Titze, et al. ”Directional Detection of Dark Matter Using Solid-State Quantum Sensing“, arXiv:2203.06037 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under IF01)
  • C. A. J. O'Hare, D. Loomba, K. Altenmüller, H. Álvarez-Pol, F. D. Amaro, et al. ”Recoil imaging for dark matter, neutrinos, and physics beyond the Standard Model”, arXiv:2203.05914 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under NF10, IF05)
  • Shin'ichiro Ando, Sebastian Baum, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Esra Bulbul, et al. ”Synergies between dark matter searches and multiwavelength/multimessenger astrophysics”, arXiv:2203.06781 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Benjamin Monreal. ”High-pressure TPCs in pressurized caverns: opportunities in dark matter and neutrino physics”, arXiv:2203.06262 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF10, IF08, UF03)
  • Alaina Attanasio, Sunil A. Bhave, Carlos Blanco, Daniel Carney, Marcel Demarteau,, et al. (Windchime Collaboration). ”The Windchime Project”, arXiv:2203.07242 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under TF08, IF01)
  • Daniel Carney, Nirmal Raj, Yang Bai, Joshua Berger, Carlos Blanco, Joseph Bramante, et al. ”Ultraheavy particle dark matter”, arXiv:2203.06508 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF08, IF01)
  • Tsuguo Aramaki, Mirko Boezio, James Buckley, Esra Bulbul, Philip von Doetinchem, et al. ”The landscape of cosmic-ray and high-energy photon probes of particle dark matter”, arXiv:2203.06894 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Rebecca K. Leane, Seodong Shin, Liang Yang, Govinda Adhikari, et al. ”Puzzling Excesses in Dark Matter Searches and How to Resolve Them“, arXiv:2203.06859 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF09)
  • Junhui Liao, Yuanning Gao, Zhuo Liang, Zebang Ouyang, Chaohua Peng, Fengshou Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jian Zheng, Jiangfeng Zhou. ”Introduction to a low-mass dark matter project, ALETHEIA: A Liquid hElium Time projection cHambEr In dArk matter”, arXiv:2203.07901 [astro-ph.IM] (pdf). (also under NF04, RF03, IF08, UF03)
  • D. S. Akerib, P. B. Cushman, C. E. Dahl, R. Ebadi, A. Fan, R. J. Gaitskell, et al. ”Dark Matter Direct Detection to the Neutrino Fog”, arXiv:2203.08084 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Daniel Baxter, Raymond Bunker, Sally Shaw, Shawn Westerdale, Isaac Arnquist, et al. ”Calibrations and backgrounds for dark matter direct detection“, arXiv:2203.07623 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Yonatan Kahn, Maria Elena Monzani, Kimberly J. Palladino, Tyler Anderson, Deborah Bard, et al. ”Modeling, statistics, simulations, and computing needs for direct dark matter detection”, arXiv:2203.07700 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under CompF0)
  • Andrea Mitridate, Tanner Trickle, Zhengkang Zhang, Kathryn M. Zurek. ”Light Dark Matter Direct Detection at the Interface With Condensed Matter Physics”, arXiv:2203.07492 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF09)
  • Bhaskar Dutta, Sumit Ghosh, Jason Kumar. ”U(1)_T3R Extension of Standard Model: A Sub-GeV Dark Matter Model”, arXiv:2203.07786 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF08)
  • M.F. Albakry, I. Alkhatib, D.W.P. Amaral, T. Aralis, T. Aramaki, I.J. Arnquist, I. Ataee Langroudy, et al. ”A Strategy for Low-Mass Dark Matter Searches with Cryogenic Detectors in the SuperCDMS SNOLAB Facility“, arXiv:2203.08463 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under NF03, IF01, UF03)
  • Rouven Essig, Graham K. Giovanetti, Noah Kurinsky, Dan McKinsey, Karthik Ramanathan, Kelly Stifter, Tien-Tien Yu. ”The landscape of low-threshold dark matter direct detection in the next decade”, arXiv:2203.08297 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Alexander Aryshev, Ties Behnke, Mikael Berggren, James Brau, Nathaniel Craig, et al. ”The International Linear Collider”, arXiv:2203.07622 [physics.acc-ph] (pdf). (also at EF0, NF03, RF06, TF0, AF03, IF0, CommF07)
  • A. Avasthi, T. Bezerra, A. Borkum, E. Church, J. Genovesi, J. Haiston, C. M. Jackson, et al. ”Low Background kTon-Scale Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers”, arXiv:2203.08821 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under NF10, IF08, UF01)
  • The ATLAS and CMS Collaborations. ”Physics with the Phase-2 ATLAS and CMS Detectors”, (pdf available here). (also under EF0, RF01)
  • D. Akimov, S. Alawabdeh, P. An, A. Arteaga, C. Awe, P.S. Barbeau, C. Barry, et al. ”The COHERENT Experimental Program”, arXiv:2204.04575 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under NF06, IF08)
  • Jennet Dickinson, Samuel Bein, Sven Heinemeyer, Joshua Hiltbrand, Jim Hirschauer, Walter Hopkins, Elliot Lipeles, Malte Mrowietz, Nadja Strobbe. “A Grand Scan of the pMSSM Parameter Space for Snowmass 2021”, arXiv:2207.05103 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF08)
  • E. Alfonso-Pita, M. Baker, E. Behnke, M. Bressler, B. Broerman, K. Clark, J. Corbett, C. Cripe, M. Crisler, C.E. Dahl, K. Dering, A. de St. Croix, D. Durnford, et al. “Scintillating Bubble Chambers: Liquid-noble Bubble Chambers for Dark Matter and CEνNS Detection”, arXiv:2207.12400 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under NF10, IF08)
  • Brian Batell, Joshua Berger, Vedran Brdar, Alan D. Bross, Janet M. Conrad, Patrick deNiverville, et al. “Dark Sector Studies with Neutrino Beams”, arXiv:2207.06898 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF03, RF06, TF11)
  • Brian Batell, Nikita Blinov, Christopher Hearty, Robert McGehee. ”Exploring Dark Sector Portals with High Intensity Experiments”, arXiv:2207.06905 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under RF06, TF09)
  • J. Asaadi, P.S. Barbeau, B. Bodur, A. Bross, E. Conley, Y. Efremenko, M. Febbraro, et al. ”Physics Opportunities in the ORNL Spallation Neutron Source Second Target Station Era”, arXiv:2209.02883 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under NF0, IF08)

CF02: Dark matter: wave-like candidates

  • Nikita Blinov, Nathaniel Craig, Matthew J. Dolan, Jordy de Vries, Patrick Draper, Isabel Garcia Garcia, Benjamin Lillard, Jessie Shelton. ”Strong CP Beyond Axion Direct Detection”, arXiv:2203.07218 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF09, TF08)
  • Dmitry Budker, Thomas Cecil, Timothy E. Chupp, Andrew A. Geraci, et al. ”Quantum Sensors for High Precision Measurements of Spin-dependent Interactions“, arXiv:2203.09488 [quant-ph] (pdf). (also under IF01)
  • D. Antypas, A. Banerjee, C. Bartram, M. Baryakhtar, J. Betz, et al. ”New Horizons: Scalar and Vector Ultralight Dark Matter”, arXiv:2203.14915 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under RF03, TF09, IF01)
  • J. Jaeckel, G. Rybka, L. Winslow, for the Axion Prospects Collaboration. “Axion Dark Matter”, arXiv:2203.14923 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under RF03, TF09, AF07, IF01; also relevant to CF01, CF03)

CF03: Dark matter: astrophysical probes

  • Yao-Yuan Mao, Annika H. G. Peter, Susmita Adhikari, Keith Bechtol, Simeon Bird, et al. ”Vera C. Rubin Observatory as a Flagship Dark Matter Experiment”, arXiv:2203.07252 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Sukanya Chakrabarti, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Ting S. Li, Neelima Sehgal, Joshua D. Simon, Simon Birrer, et al. ”Observational Facilities to Study Dark Matter”, arXiv:2203.06200 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf).
  • Cora Dvorkin, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Brian Nord, V. Ashley Villar, Camille Avestruz, et al. ”Machine Learning and Cosmology”, arXiv:2203.08056 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under CompF03)
  • Masha Baryakhtar, Regina Caputo, Djuna Croon, Kerstin Perez, Emanuele Berti, et al. ”Dark Matter In Extreme Astrophysical Environments”, arXiv:2203.07984 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF09)
  • Simeon Bird, Andrea Albert, Will Dawson, Yacine Ali-Haimoud, Adam Coogan, Alex Drlica-Wagner, et al. ”Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter“, arXiv:2203.08967 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Keith R. Dienes, Brooks Thomas. ”More is Different: Non-Minimal Dark Sectors and their Implications for Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology – 13 Take-Away Lessons for Snowmass 2021”, arXiv:2203.17258 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF10, TF09)
  • Jack Burns, Gregg Hallinan, Tzu-Ching Chang, Marin Anderson, Judd Bowman, et al. ”A Lunar Farside Low Radio Frequency Array for Dark Ages 21-cm Cosmology”, arXiv:2103.08623 [astro-ph.IM] (pdf).

CF04: Dark energy and cosmic acceleration: the modern universe

  • Kyle Dawson, Andrew Hearin, Katrin Heitmann, Mustapha Ishak, Johannes Ulf Lange, Martin White, Rongpu Zhou. ”High Density Galaxy Clustering in the Regime of Cosmic Acceleration“, arXiv:2203.07291 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf).
  • Sukanya Chakrabarti, Anthony H. Gonzalez, Steve Eikenberry, David Erskine, et al. ”Real-time Cosmology with High Precision Spectroscopy and Astrometry”, arXiv:2203.05924 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf).
  • Jonathan A. Blazek, Doug Clowe, Thomas E. Collett, Ian P. Dell'Antonio, Mark Dickinson, et al. ”Enabling Flagship Dark Energy Experiments to Reach their Full Potential”, arXiv:2204.01992 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf).
  • David J. Schlegel, Juna A. Kollmeier, Greg Aldering, Stephen Bailey, Charles Baltay, Christopher Bebek, Segev BenZvi, et al. ”The MegaMapper: A Stage-5 Spectroscopic Instrument Concept for the Study of Inflation and Dark Energy”, arXiv:2209.04322 [astro-ph.IM] (pdf).

CF05: Dark energy and cosmic acceleration: cosmic dawn and before

  • Kirit S. Karkare, Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah, Garrett K. Keating, Patrick Breysse, Dongwoo T. Chung. ”Cosmology with Millimeter-Wave Line Intensity Mapping“, arXiv:2203.07258 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf).
  • Ana Achúcarro, Matteo Biagetti, Matteo Braglia, Giovanni Cabass, Emanuele Castorina, et al. ”Inflation: Theory and Observations”, arXiv:2203.08128 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf). (also under TF09)
  • Daniel Baumann, Daniel Green, Austin Joyce, Enrico Pajer, Guilherme L. Pimentel, Charlotte Sleight, Massimo Taronna. ”The Cosmological Bootstrap”, arXiv:2203.08121 [hep-th] (pdf). (also under TF09)
  • Cora Dvorkin, Joel Meyers, Peter Adshead, Mustafa Amin, Carlos A. Argüelles, et al. ”The Physics of Light Relics”, arXiv:2203.07943 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF09)
  • Clarence L. Chang, Kevin M. Huffenberger, Bradford A. Benson, Federico Bianchini, et al. ”Cosmic Microwave Background Measurements White Paper”, arXiv:2203.07638 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf). (also under TF09, IF10)
  • Ashish Goel, Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay, Joseph Lazio, Paul Goldsmith, David Bacon, et al. “Probing the Cosmic Dark Ages with the Lunar Crater Radio Telescope”, arXiv:2205.05745 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf).

CF06: Dark energy and cosmic acceleration: complementarity of probes and new facilities

  • Eric J. Baxter, Chihway Chang, Andrew Hearin, Jonathan Blazek, Lindsey E. Bleem, et al. ”Opportunities from Cross-survey Analyses of Static Probes”, arXiv:2203.06795 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Alex G. Kim, Antonella Palmese, Maria E. S. Pereira, Greg Aldering, Felipe Andrade-Oliveira, et al. ”Multi-Experiment Probes for Dark Energy – Transients“, arXiv:2203.11226 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf).
  • David J. Schlegel, Simone Ferraro, Greg Aldering, Charles Baltay, Segev BenZvi, et al. “A Spectroscopic Road Map for Cosmic Frontier: DESI, DESI-II, Stage-5”, arXiv:2209.03585 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf).

CF07: Cosmic probes of fundamental physics

  • Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Zoltán Haiman, Daniel E. Holz, et al. ”Cosmic Frontier: Fundamental Physics and Beyond the Standard Model”, arXiv:2203.06240 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF09)
  • Weidong Bai, Milind Vaman Diwan, Maria Vittoria Garzelli, Yu Seon Jeong, Karan Kumar, Mary Hall Reno. ”Prompt electron and tau neutrinos and antineutrinos in the forward region at the LHC“, arXiv:2203.07212 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF06, NF09)
  • Elcio Abdalla, Guillermo Franco Abellán, Amin Aboubrahim, Adriano Agnello, Ozgur Akarsu, et al. ”Cosmology Intertwined: A Review of the Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Associated with the Cosmological Tensions and Anomalies”, arXiv:2203.06142 [astro-ph.CO] (pdf).
  • Roshan Mammen Abraham, Jaime Alvarez-Muñiz, Carlos A. Argüelles, Akitaka Ariga, Tomoko Ariga, et al. ”Tau Neutrinos in the Next Decade: from GeV to EeV”, arXiv:2203.05591 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF09, NF03, TF11, IF0, UF01)
  • Kristi Engel, Jordan Goodman, Petra Huentemeyer, Carolyn Kierans, Tiffany R. Lewis, et al. ”The Future of Gamma-Ray Experiments in the MeV-EeV Range”, arXiv:2203.07360 [astro-ph.HE] (pdf).
  • Francois Foucart, Pablo Laguna, Geoffrey Lovelace, David Radice, Helvi Witek. ”Numerical relativity for next-generation gravitational-wave probes of fundamental physics”, arXiv:2203.08139 [gr-qc] (pdf). (also under CompF02)
  • Kevork N. Abazajian, Nikita Blinov, Thejs Brinckmann, Mu-Chun Chen, Zelimir Djurcic, et al. ”Synergy between cosmological and laboratory searches in neutrino physics”, arXiv:2203.07377 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF05, TF11)
  • Markus Ackermann, Sanjib K. Agarwalla, Jaime Alvarez-Muñiz, Carlos A. Argüelles, et al. ”High-Energy and Ultra-High-Energy Neutrinos”, arXiv:2203.08096 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF04, TF09, IF10)
  • Robert Caldwell, Yanou Cui, Huai-Ke Guo, Vuk Mandic, Alberto Mariotti, Jose Miguel No, et al. ”Detection of Early-Universe Gravitational Wave Signatures and Fundamental Physics”, arXiv:2203.07972 [gr-qc] (pdf). (also under EF02)
  • Stefan W. Ballmer, Rana Adhikari, Leonardo Badurina, Duncan A. Brown, et al. ”Future Gravitational-Wave Detector Facilities”, arXiv:2203.08228 [gr-qc] (pdf).
  • Marcela Carena, Jonathan Kozaczuk, Zhen Liu, Tong Ou, Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf, Jessie Shelton, Yikun Wang, Ke-Pan Xie. ”Probing the Electroweak Phase Transition with Exotic Higgs Decays“, arXiv:2203.08206 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF09)
  • Kristi Engel, Tiffany Lewis, Marco Stein Muzio, Tonia M. Venters, Markus Ahlers, et al. ”Advancing the Landscape of Multimessenger Science in the Next Decade”, arXiv:2203.10074 [astro-ph.HE] (pdf).
  • Richard Brito, Sukanya Chakrabarti, Sebastien Clesse, Cora Dvorkin, Juan Garcia-Bellido, et al. ”Probing dark matter with small-scale astrophysical observations“, arXiv:2203.15954 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Philip Harris, Erik Katsavounidis, William Patrick McCormack, Dylan Rankin, Yongbin Feng, et al. ”Physics Community Needs, Tools, and Resources for Machine Learning”, arXiv:2203.16255 [cs.LG] (pdf). (also under EF0, NF01, IF04, CompF03)
  • D. Beznosko , K. Baigarin , R. Beisembaev , E. Beisembaeva , E. Gladysz-Dziadu et al. ”Probing Fundamental Physics With Multi-Modal Cosmic Ray Events”, arXiv:2204.04045 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Alessandra Buonanno, Mohammed Khalil, Donal O'Connell, Radu Roiban, Mikhail P. Solon, Mao Zeng. “Gravitational Waves and Scattering Amplitudes”, arXiv:2204.05194 [hep-th] (pdf). (also under TF04)
  • Jan de Boer, Bianca Dittrich, Astrid Eichhorn, Steven B. Giddings, Steffen Gielen, et al. “Frontiers of Quantum Gravity: shared challenges, converging directions”, arXiv:2207.10618 [hep-th] (pdf). (also under TF01)
  • Slavko Bogdanov, Emmanuel Fonseca, Rahul Kashyap, Aleksi Kurkela, James M. Lattimer, Jocelyn S. Read, et al. ”The Dense Matter Equation of State and QCD Phase Transitions”, arXiv:2209.07412 [astro-ph.HE] (pdf).

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