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Submissions to the Snowmass 2021 Proceedings - Energy Frontier

Papers of general interest to this frontier

  • Luis A. Anchordoqui, A. Ariga, T. Ariga, et al. “The Forward Physics Facility: Sites, Experiments, and Physics Potential”, arXiv:2109.10905 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, CF0, TF0)
  • Mei Bai, Tim Barklow, Rainer Bartoldus, Martin Breidenbach, et al. “C3: A 'Cool' Route to the Higgs Boson and Beyond”, arXiv:2110.15800 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under AF03)
  • Jonathan L. Feng, Felix Kling, Mary Hall Reno, Juan Rojo, Dennis Soldin, et al. ”The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC“, arXiv:2203.05090 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, CF0, TF0, AF0, IF0)
  • Jorge De Blas, Dario Buttazzo, Rodolfo Capdevilla, David Curtin, Roberto Franceschini, et al. ”The physics case of a 3 TeV muon collider stage”, arXiv:2203.07261 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF0)
  • Chiara Aimè, Aram Apyan, Mohammed Attia Mahmoud, Nazar Bartosik, Fabian Batsch, Alessandro Bertolin, et al. ”Muon Collider Physics Summary”, arXiv:2203.07256 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF0)
  • K. Black, K. Bloom, J.E. Brau, M. Demarteau, D. Denisov, D. Elvira, S. Eno, R. Hirosky, J. Hirschauer, R. Lipton, C. Paus, E. Stern, A. White, G.W. Wilson. “ Enabling U.S. participation in Future Higgs Factories”, arXiv:2203.06255 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • G. Bernardi, E. Brost, D. Denisov, G. Landsberg, M. Aleksa, D. d'Enterria, P. Janot, M.L. Mangano, et al. “The Future Circular Collider: a Summary for the US 2021 Snowmass Process”, arXiv:2203.06520 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, TF0, AF0, IF0)
  • John Rogers, Peter McIntyre, Timothy Elliott, Gareth May, Christian Ratcliffe. ”Strategies for conformal REBCO windings”, arXiv:2203.06800 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under AF04)
  • Sergo Jindariani, Federico Meloni, Nadia Pastrone, Chiara Aimè, Nazar Bartosik, Emanuela Barzi, et al. ”Promising Technologies and R&D Directions for the Future Muon Collider Detectors”, arXiv:2203.07224 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under IF0)
  • P. C. Bhat, S. Jindariani, G. Ambrosio, G. Apollinari, S. Belomestnykh, et al. ”Future Collider Options for the US“, arXiv:2203.08088 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under TF0, AF0)
  • Dave Casper, Maria Elena Monzani, Benjamin Nachman, Costas Andreopoulos, Stephen Bailey, Deborah Bard, et al. ”Software and Computing for Small HEP Experiments”, arXiv:2203.07645 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, CF0, CompF0)
  • D. Stratakis, N. Mokhov, M. Palmer, N. Pastrone, T. Raubenheimer, C. Rogers, D. Schulte, et al. ”A Muon Collider Facility for Physics Discovery“, arXiv:2203.08033 [physics.acc-ph] (pdf). (also under AF04)
  • Nazar Bartosik, Karol Krizka, Simone Pagan Griso, Chiara Aimè, Aram Apyan, et al. ”Simulated Detector Performance at the Muon Collider”, arXiv:2203.07964 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under IF0)
  • Sunanda Banerjee, D. N. Brown, David N. Brown, Paolo Calafiura, Jacob Calcutt, Philippe Canal, et al. ”Detector and Beamline Simulation for Next-Generation High Energy Physics Experiments”, arXiv:2203.07614 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, CF0, IF0, CompF02)
  • Alex Bogacz, Vedran Brdar, Alan Bross, André de Gouvêa, Jean-Pierre Delahaye, Patrick Huber, et al. ”The Physics Case for a Neutrino Factory“, arXiv:2203.08094 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF09, AF0)
  • S. Belomestnykh, P.C. Bhat, A. Grassellino, M. Checchin, D. Denisov, et al. ”Higgs-Energy LEptoN (HELEN) Collider based on advanced superconducting radio frequency technology”, arXiv:2203.08211 [physics.acc-ph] (pdf). (also under AF03)
  • Alexander Aryshev, Ties Behnke, Mikael Berggren, James Brau, Nathaniel Craig, et al. ”The International Linear Collider”, arXiv:2203.07622 [physics.acc-ph] (pdf). (also at NF03, RF06, CF01, TF0, AF03, IF0, CommF07)
  • The ATLAS and CMS Collaborations. ”Physics with the Phase-2 ATLAS and CMS Detectors”, (pdf available here). (also under RF01, CF01)
  • Emanuela Barzi, S. James Gates Jr., Roxanne Springer. ”In Search of Excellence and Equity in Physics“, arXiv:2203.10393 [physics.soc-ph] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, CF0, TF0, AF01, IF0, CompF0, UF0, CommF0)
  • E. Barzi, B. C. Barish, R. A. Rimmer, A. Valente-Feliciano, et al. ”An Impartial Perspective for Superconducting Nb3Sn coated Copper RF Cavities for Future Accelerators”, arXiv:2203.09718 [physics.acc-ph] (pdf). (also under RF0, AF03)
  • J. M. Campbell, M. Diefenthaler, T. J. Hobbs, S. Höche, J. Isaacson, F. Kling, et al. ”Event Generators for High-Energy Physics Experiments“, arXiv:2203.11110 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF0, CF0, TF0, CompF02)
  • M. Endo, K. Hamaguchi, M. Ibe, T. Ishibashi, A. Ishikawa, M. Ishino, M. Ishitsuka, S. Kanemura, M. Kuriki, T. Mori, S. Moriyama, H. Nanjo, W. Ootani, and Y. Sato. ”Japan’s Strategy for Future Projects in High Energy Physics”, arXiv:2203.13979 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, CF0, AF0, UF0)
  • Philip Harris, Erik Katsavounidis, William Patrick McCormack, Dylan Rankin, Yongbin Feng, et al. ”Physics Community Needs, Tools, and Resources for Machine Learning”, arXiv:2203.16255 [cs.LG] (pdf). (also under NF01, CF07, IF04, CompF03)
  • Huajie Cheng, Wen Han Chiu, Yaquan Fang, Yu Gao, Jiayin Gu, Gang Li, Tianjun Li, et al. “The Physics potential of the CEPC”, arXiv:2205.08553 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF0, AF0)
  • Roberto Franceschini, Doojin Kim, Kyoungchul Kong, Konstantin T. Matchev, Myeonghun Park, Prasanth Shyamsundar. “Kinematic Variables and Feature Engineering for Particle Phenomenology”, arXiv:2206.13431 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Andreas S. Kronfeld, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Thomas Blum, Norman H. Christ, Carleton DeTar, William Detmold, Robert Edwards, Anna Hasenfratz, et al. ”Lattice QCD and Particle Physics”, arXiv:2207.07641 [hep-lat] (pdf). (also under NF06, RF0, CF0, TF05, CompF02)
  • Thomas Roser, Reinhard Brinkmann, Sarah Cousineau, Dmitri Denisov, Spencer Gessner, Steve Gourlay, Philippe Lebrun, Meenakshi Narain, Katsunobu Oide, Tor Raubenheimer, John Seeman, Vladimir Shiltsev, Jim Strait, Marlene Turner, Lian-Tao Wang. “Report of the Snowmass 2021 Collider Implementation Task Force”, arXiv:2208.06030 [physics.acc-ph] (pdf). (also under TF0, AF0)
  • Brendon Madison, Graham W. Wilson. “Center-of-mass energy determination using e+e−→μ+μ-(γ) events at future e+e− colliders”, arXiv:2209.03281 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under AF0, IF0)
  • Robert Gardner, Simone Pagan Griso, Stefan Hoeche, Karol Krizka, Fabio Maltoni, et al. “Background Monte Carlo Samples for a Future Hadron Collider”, arXiv:2209.03505 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Emanuela Barzi, Simonetta liuti, Christine Nattrass, Roxanne Springer. “How Community Agreements Can Improve Climate in Physics”, arXiv:2209.06755 [physics.soc-ph] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, CF0, TF0, AF01, IF0, CompF0, UF0, CommF0)
  • Alain Blondel, Patrick Janot, Niloufar Alipour Tehrani, Patrizia Azzi, et al. “FCC-ee: Your Questions Answered”, arXiv:1906.02693 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF0, RF0, TF0, AF0)

EF01: Higgs boson properties and couplings

  • I. Božović-Jelisavucić, N. Vukausinović, D. Jeans. ”Measuring the CP properties of the Higgs sector at electron-positron colliders“, arXiv:2203.06819 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Daniel Diaz, Javier Duarte, Sanmay Ganguly, Raghav Kansal, Samadrita Mukherjee, Brian Sheldon, Si Xie. ”Improving Di-Higgs Sensitivity at Future Colliders in Hadronic Final States with Machine Learning”, arXiv:2203.07353 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under CompF03)
  • Vladimir N Litvinenko, Nikhil Bachhawat, Maria Chamizo-Llatas, Francois Meot, Thomas Roser. ”CERC - Circular e+e- Collider using Energy-Recovery Linac“, arXiv:2203.07358 [physics.acc-ph] (pdf). (also under AF03)
  • Vladimir N Litvinenko, Nikhil Bachhawat, Maria Chamizo-Llatas, Yichao Jing, François Méot, Irina Petrushina, Thomas Roser. ”The ReLiC: Recycling Linear e+e− Collider”, arXiv:2203.06476 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under AF03)
  • Rahool Kumar Barman, Morgan E. Cassidy, Zhongtian Dong, Dorival Gonçalves, et al. ”Directly Probing the CP-structure of the Higgs-Top Yukawa at HL-LHC and Future Colliders”, arXiv:2203.08127 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Shekhar Adhikari, Samuel D. Lane, Ian M. Lewis, Matthew Sullivan. ”Complex Scalar Singlet Model Benchmarks for Snowmass”, arXiv:2203.07455 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Sridhara Dasu, Emilio A. Nanni, Michael E. Peskin, Caterina Vernieri, Tim Barklow, Pushpalatha C. Bhat, et al. ”Strategy for Understanding the Higgs Physics: The Cool Copper Collider”, arXiv:2203.07646 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under AF03, IF0)
  • Angela Taliercio, Paola Mastrapasqua, Claudio Caputo, Pietro Vischia, Nicola De Filippis, Pushpa Bhat. ”Higgs Self Couplings Measurements at Future proton-proton Colliders”, arXiv:2203.08042 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Chris Potter, Amanda Steinhebel, Jim Brau, Austin Pryor, Andy White. ”Expected Sensitivity to Invisible Higgs Boson Decays at the ILC with the SiD Detector”, arXiv:2203.08330 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • K. Black, T. Bose, S. Dasu, H. Jia, S. Lomte, C. Vuosalo. et al. ”Prospects for the Measurement of the Standard Model Higgs Pair Production at the Muon Colliders“, arXiv:2203.08874 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Alexander Albert, Matthew J. Basso, Samuel K. Bright-Thonney, Valentina M. M. Cairo, et al. ”Strange quark as a probe for new physics in the Higgs sector”, arXiv:2203.07535 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Tim Barklow, Su Dong, Claudio Emma, Joseph Duris, Zhirong Huang, et al. ”XCC: An X-ray FEL-based γγ Collider Higgs Factory“, arXiv:2203.08484 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under AF03)
  • Tao Han, Adam K. Leibovich, Yang Ma, Xiao-Ze Tan. ”Higgs boson decay to charmonia via c-quark fragmentation”, arXiv:2202.08273 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Andreas Papaefstathiou, Tania Robens, Graham White. ”Signal strength and W-boson mass measurements as a probe of the electro-weak phase transition at colliders”, arXiv:2205.14379 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)

EF02: Higgs boson as a portal to new physics

  • Fayez Abu-Ajamieh, Spencer Chang, Miranda Chen, Da Liu, Markus A. Luty. ”Higgs Coupling Sensitivities and Model-Independent Bounds on the Scale of New Physics“, arXiv:2203.09512 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Zhen Wang, Xuliang Zhu, Elham E Khoda, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Nikolaos Konstantinidis, et al. ”Study of Electroweak Phase Transition in Exotic Higgs Decays at the CEPC”, arXiv:2203.10184 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Robert Caldwell, Yanou Cui, Huai-Ke Guo, Vuk Mandic, Alberto Mariotti, Jose Miguel No, et al. ”Detection of Early-Universe Gravitational Wave Signatures and Fundamental Physics”, arXiv:2203.07972 [gr-qc] (pdf). (also under CF07)
  • Felix Kling, Honglei Li, Shuailong Li, Adarsh Pyarelal, Huayang Song, Shufang Su, Wei Su. ”Exotic Higgs Decays in the Type-II 2HDMs at Current and Future pp Colliders”, arXiv:2205.12198 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)

EF03: Heavy flavor and top quark physics

  • G. Bevilacqua, H. Y. Bi, F. Febres Cordero, H.B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, J. Nasufi, L. Reina, M. Worek, “On the modeling uncertainties of ttbar W± multi-lepton signatures”, arXiv:2109.15181 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Simone Alioli, Juan Fuster, Maria Vittoria Garzelli, Alessandro Gavardi, Adrian Irles, Davide Melini, Sven-Olaf Moch, Peter Uwer, Katharina Voß. ”Top-quark mass extraction from t tbar j+X events at the LHC: theory predictions”, arXiv:2203.07344 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF06)
  • Jason Gombas, Jarrett Fein, Sara Sawford, Reinhard Schwienhorst. ”Dependence of the top-quark mass measured in top-quark pair production on the parton distribution functions at the LHC and future colliders”, arXiv:2203.08064 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Kaustubh Agashe, Sagar Airen, Roberto Franceschini, Doojin Kim, Deepak Sathyan. ”Implications of Energy Peak for Collider Phenomenology: Top Quark Mass Determination and Beyond”, arXiv:2204.02928 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Javier Aparisi, Juan Fuster, Andre Hoang, Adrian Irles, Christopher Lepenik, Vicent Mateu, et al. “Prospects for measurements of the bottom quark mass”, arXiv:2203.16994 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Gauthier Durieux, Abel Gutiérrez Camacho, Luca Mantani, Víctor Miralles, Marcos Miralles López, María Moreno Llácer, René Poncelet, Eleni Vryonidou, Marcel Vos. “Prospects for the measurement of top-quark couplings”, arXiv:2205.02140 [hep-ph] (pdf).

EF04: Electroweak precision physics and constraining new physics

  • T. Yang, S. Qian, Z. Guan, C. Li, F. Meng, J. Xiao, M. Lu, Q. Li, “Longitudinally polarized ZZ scattering at the Muon Collider”, arXiv:2107.13581 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Diogo Buarque Franzosi, Michele Gallinaro, Richard Ruiz, Thea K. Aarrestad, et al. ”Vector Boson Scattering Processes: Status and Prospects”, arXiv:2106.01393 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Antonio Costantini, Federico De Lillo, Fabio Maltoni, Luca Mantani, Olivier Mattelaer, Richard Ruiz, Xiaoran Zhao. ”Vector boson fusion at multi-TeV muon colliders”, arXiv:2005.10289 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07, AF04, CompF02)
  • Richard Ruiz, Antonio Costantini, Fabio Maltoni, Olivier Mattelaer. ”The Effective Vector Boson Approximation in High-Energy Muon Collisions“, arXiv:2111.02442 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07, AF04, CompF02)
  • Brad Abbott, Aram Apyan, Bianca Azartash-Namin, Veena Balakrishnan, Jeffrey Berryhill, et al. ”Anomalous quartic gauge couplings at a muon collider“, arXiv:2203.08135 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Aram Apyan, Chilufya Mwewa, Luka Nedic, Marc-André Pleier, Karolos Potamianos. ”Sensitivity to longitudinal vector boson scattering in W±W±jj at future hadron colliders”, arXiv:2203.07994 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Belle II Collaboration. ”Belle II physics reach and plans for the next decade and beyond“, (pdf available here). (also under RF0; also relevant to EF05, EF06))
  • T. Anderson, T. Barbera, D. Blend, N. Chigurupati, B. Cox, P. Debbins, et al. ”RADiCAL: Precision-timing, Ultracompact, Radiation-hard Electromagnetic Calorimetry”, arXiv:2203.12806 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under IF06)
  • Swagato Banerjee, J. Michael Roney (for the US Belle II Group and the Belle II/SuperKEKB e- Polarization Upgrade Working Group). ”Upgrading SuperKEKB with a Polarized Electron Beam: Discovery Potential and Proposed Implementation”, arXiv:2205.12847 [physics.acc-ph] (pdf). (also under RF0, AF05)
  • Jorge de Blas, Yong Du, Christophe Grojean, Jiayin Gu, Victor Miralles, Michael E. Peskin, Junping Tian, Marcel Vos, Eleni Vryonidou. ”Global SMEFT Fits at Future Colliders”, arXiv:2206.08326 [hep-ph] (pdf).

EF05: Precision QCD

  • Ben Nachman, Salvatore Rappoccio, Nhan Tran, Johan Bonilla, Grigorios Chachamis, et al. ”Jets and Jet Substructure at Future Colliders”, arXiv:2203.07462 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • D. d'Enterria, S. Kluth, G. Zanderighi, C. Ayala, M.A. Benitez-Rathgeb, J. Bluemlein, D. Boito, et al. ”The strong coupling constant: State of the art and the decade ahead”, arXiv:2203.08271 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • A. Accardi, Y. T. Chien, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, C. Dilks, P. A. Gutierrez Garcia, et al. “Opportunities for precision QCD physics in hadronization at Belle II”, arXiv:2204.02280 [hep-ex] (pdf).

EF06: Hadronic struture and forward QCD

  • S.V. Chekanov, S. Magill. “Some aspects of the impact of the Electron Ion Collider on particle physics at the Energy Frontier”, arXiv:2202.11529 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Martha Constantinou, Luigi Del Debbio, Xiangdong Ji, Huey-Wen Lin, Keh-Fei Liu, et al. “Lattice QCD Calculations of Parton Physics”, arXiv:2202.07193 [hep-lat] (pdf). (also under TF05, CompF02)
  • Weidong Bai, Milind Vaman Diwan, Maria Vittoria Garzelli, Yu Seon Jeong, Karan Kumar, Mary Hall Reno. ”Prompt electron and tau neutrinos and antineutrinos in the forward region at the LHC”, arXiv:2203.07212 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF09, CF07)
  • H. Abdolmaleki, S. Amoroso, V. Bertone, M. Botje, D. Britzger, S. Camarda, et al. [xFitter Developers’ Team]. “xFitter: An Open Source QCD Analysis Framework”, arXiv:2206.12465 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Darin Acosta, Emanuela Barberis, Nicholas Hurley, Wei Li, Osvaldo Miguel Colin, Darien Wood, Xunwu Zuo. ”The Potential of a TeV-Scale Muon-Ion Collider“, arXiv:2203.06258 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under AF04)
  • Martin Hentschinski, Christophe Royon, Marco Alcazar Peredo, Cristian Baldenegro, et al. ”Forward Physics, BFKL, Saturation Physics and Diffraction”, arXiv:2203.08129 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • S. Amoroso, A. Apyan, N. Armesto, R. D. Ball, V. Bertone, C. Bissolotti, et al. ”Proton structure at the precision frontier“, arXiv:2203.13923 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF06; also relevant to EF05, EF07)
  • Tie-Jiun Hou, Huey-Wen Lin, Mengshi Yan, C.-P. Yuan. ”Impact of lattice s(x)−sbar(x) data in the CTEQ-TEA global analysis”, arXiv:2204.07944 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF05, CompF02)

EF07: Heavy ions

  • David d'Enterria, Marco Drewes, Andrea Giammanco, Jan Hajer, et al. ”Opportunities for new physics searches with heavy ions at colliders“, arXiv:2203.05939 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Brian Batell, Tathagata Ghosh, Keping Xie, for the $nu$-Test Collaboration. “Heavy Neutral Lepton Searches at the Electron-Ion Collider”, arXiv:2203.06705 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF02, RF04)
  • R. Abdul Khalek, U. D'Alesio, M. Arratia, A. Bacchetta, M. Battaglieri, et al. ”Electron Ion Collider for High Energy Physics”, arXiv:2203.13199 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF0, AF0, IF0)

EF08: Beyond the Standard Model: model-specific explorations

  • A. Aboubrahim, M. Klasen, P. Nath, R. M. Syed “Future searches for SUSY at the LHC post Fermilab (g−2)_μ”, arXiv:2107.06021 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF08)
  • Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Dakotah Martinez. “Comparison of SUSY spectra generators for natural SUSY and string landscape predictions”, arXiv:2111.03096 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF08)
  • Krzysztof Mękała, Jürgen Reuter, Aleksander Filip Żarnecki. “Heavy neutrinos at future linear e+e− colliders”, arXiv:2202.06703 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF03)
  • Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Dibyashree Sengupta, Xerxes Tata. ”Angular cuts to reduce the tau taubar+jet background to the higgsino signal at the LHC”, arXiv:2203.03700 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto, Shin-ichi Kawada, Teppei Kitahara, Takeo Moroi, Taikan Suehara. ”Stau study at the ILC and its implication for the muon g-2 anomaly”, arXiv:2203.07056 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Jurina Nakajima, Arindam Das, Keisuke Fujii, Daniel Jeans, Nobuchika Okada, Satomi Okada, Ryo Yonamine. ”Probing heavy Majorana neutrino pair production at ILC in a U(1)_{B−L} extension of the Standard Model”, arXiv:2203.06929 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Avik Banerjee, Diogo Buarque Franzosi, Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Aldo Deandrea, Gabriele Ferretti, et al. “Phenomenological aspects of composite Higgs scenarios: exotic scalars and vector-like quarks”, arXiv:2203.07270 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Tao Han, Jiajun Liao, Hongkai Liu, Danny Marfatia, Richard Ruiz. ”BSM Neutrino physics: complementarity across energies“, arXiv:2203.06131 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under RF04, TF11)
  • Ankit Beniwal, Filip Rajec, Markus Tobias Prim, Pat Scott, Wei Su, Martin White, Anthony G. Williams, Alex Woodcock. ”Global fit of 2HDM with future collider results”, arXiv:2203.07883 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • M. T. Núñez Pardo de Vera, M. Berggren, J. List. ”Evaluating the ILC SUSY reach in the most challenging scenario: stau NLSP, low ΔM , lowest cross-section”, arXiv:2203.15729 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Shadman Salam, Dibyashree Sengupta. “Mini-review: Expectations for supersymmetry from the string landscape”, arXiv:2202.11578 [hep-ph]] (pdf). (also under TF08)
  • Jennet Dickinson, Samuel Bein, Sven Heinemeyer, Joshua Hiltbrand, Jim Hirschauer, Walter Hopkins, Elliot Lipeles, Malte Mrowietz, Nadja Strobbe. “A Grand Scan of the pMSSM Parameter Space for Snowmass 2021”, arXiv:2207.05103 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under CF01)

EF09: Beyond the Standard Model: more general explorations

  • C.-H. Yeh, S. V. Chekanov, A. V. Kotwal, J. Proudfoot, S. Sen, N. V. Tran, S.-S. Yu, “Studies of granularity of a hadronic calorimeter for tens-of-TeV jets at a 100 TeV pp collider”, arXiv:1901.11146 [physics.ins-det] (pdf). (also under IF06)
  • G. Kasieczka, B. Nachman, D. Shih, et al. “The LHC Olympics 2020: A Community Challenge for Anomaly Detection in High Energy Physics”, arXiv:2101.08320 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07, CompF03)
  • S. V. Chekanov, S. Darmora, W. Islam, C. E. M. Wagner, and J. Zhang “Model-independent searches for new physics in multi-body invariant masses”, arXiv:2103.10217 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • S.V. Chekanov, W. Hopkins, “Event-based anomaly detection for new physics searches at the LHC using machine learning”, arXiv:2111.12119 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under CompF03)
  • Radovan Dermisek, Junichiro Kawamura, Enrico Lunghi, Navin McGinnis, Seodong Shin. “Combined signatures of heavy Higgses and vectorlike fermions at the HL-LHC”, arXiv:2203.03852 [hep-ph] (pdf).(also under TF07)
  • Rojalin Padhan, Manimala Mitra, Suchita Kulkarni, Frank F. Deppisch. ”Displaced fat-jets and tracks to probe boosted right-handed neutrinos in the U(1)_{B−L} model”, arXiv:2203.06114 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • K. F. Di Petrillo, J. N. Farr, C. Guo, T. R. Holmes, J. Nelson, K. Pachal. ”Track-Based Triggers for Exotic Signatures”, arXiv:2203.07314 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under IF04)
  • Nikita Blinov, Nathaniel Craig, Matthew J. Dolan, Jordy de Vries, Patrick Draper, Isabel Garcia Garcia, Benjamin Lillard, Jessie Shelton. ”Strong CP Beyond Axion Direct Detection”, arXiv:2203.07218 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under CF02, TF08)
  • Roshan Mammen Abraham, Jaime Alvarez-Muñiz, Carlos A. Argüelles, Akitaka Ariga, Tomoko Ariga, et al. ”Tau Neutrinos in the Next Decade: from GeV to EeV”, arXiv:2203.05591 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under NF03, CF07, TF11, IF0, UF01)
  • Cristiano Alpigiani, Juan Carlos Arteaga-Velázquez, Austin Ball, Liron Barak, et al. ”Recent Progress and Next Steps for the MATHUSLA LLP Detector”, arXiv:2203.08126 [hep-ex] (pdf). (also under IF09)
  • Marcela Carena, Jonathan Kozaczuk, Zhen Liu, Tong Ou, Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf, Jessie Shelton, Yikun Wang, Ke-Pan Xie. ”Probing the Electroweak Phase Transition with Exotic Higgs Decays“, arXiv:2203.08206 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under CF07)
  • Guillaume Albouy, Jared Barron, Hugues Beauchesne, Elias Bernreuther, Marcella Bona, et al. ”Theory, phenomenology, and experimental avenues for dark showers”, arXiv:2203.09503 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Rouven Essig, Yonatan Kahn, Simon Knapen, Andreas Ringwald, Natalia Toro. ”Theory Frontier: Theory Meets the Lab”, arXiv:2203.10089 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under RF06, CF0, TF09)
  • Kaustubh Agashe, Jack H. Collins, Peizhi Du, Majid Ekhterachian, Sungwoo Hong, Doojin Kim, Rashmish K. Mishra, Deepak Sathyan. ”Collider Physics Opportunities of Extended Warped Extra-Dimensional Models”, arXiv:2203.13305 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Alexander Belyaev, R. Sekhar Chivukula, Benjamin Fuks, Elizabeth H. Simmons, Xing Wang. ”Single Vector-Like top quark production via chromomagnetic interactions at present and future hadron colliders at the LHC and FCC-hh/SppC colliders”, arXiv:2209.03333 [hep-ph] (pdf).

EF10: Beyond the Standard Model: dark matter at colliders

  • M. Zaazoua, L. Truong, K. A. Assamagan, F. Fassi, “Higgs portal vector dark matter interpretation: review of Effective Field Theory approach and ultraviolet complete models”, arXiv:2107.01252 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under CF01)
  • Hugues Beauchesne, Giovanni Grilli di Cortona, “Event-level variables for semivisible jets using anomalous jet tagging”, arXiv:2111.12156 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under TF07)
  • Jan Kalinowski, Wojciech Kotlarski, Krzysztof Mekala, Kamil Zembaczynski, Aleksander Filip Zarnecki. “New approach to DM searches with mono-photon signature”, arXiv:2203.06776 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Daniel Craik, Phil Ilten, Daniel Johnson, Mike Williams. “LHCb future dark-sector sensitivity projections for Snowmass 2021”, arXiv:2203.07048 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under RF06)
  • Tathagata Ghosh, Chris Kelso, Jason Kumar, Pearl Sandick, Patrick Stengel. ”Simplified dark matter models with charged mediators”, arXiv:2203.08107 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under RF03, CF01, TF09)
  • Jan Kalinowski, Tania Robens, Aleksander Filip Zarnecki. ”New Physics with missing energy at future lepton colliders”, arXiv:2203.07913 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under EF10)
  • Andreas Albert, Antonio Boveia, Oleg Brandt, Eric Corrigan, Zeynep Demiragli, Caterina Doglioni, et al. ”Displaying dark matter constraints from colliders with varying simplified model parameters“, arXiv:2203.12035 [hep-ph] (pdf).
  • Keith R. Dienes, Brooks Thomas. ”More is Different: Non-Minimal Dark Sectors and their Implications for Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology – 13 Take-Away Lessons for Snowmass 2021”, arXiv:2203.17258 [hep-ph] (pdf). (also under CF03, TF09)
  • Kevin Black, Tulika Bose, Yuze Chen, Sridhara Dasu, Haoyi Jia, Deborah Pinna, Varun Sharma, Nikhilesh Venkatasubramanian, Carl Vuosalo. “Prospects for Heavy WIMP Dark Matter Searches at Muon Colliders”, arXiv:2205.10404 [hep-ex] (pdf).
  • Antonio Boveia, Caterina Doglioni, Boyu Gao, Josh Greaves, Philip Harris, Katherine Pachal, et al. “Summarizing experimental sensitivities of collider experiments to dark matter models and comparison to other experiments”, arXiv:2206.03456 [hep-ph] (pdf).

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