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Contributed Papers

These pages provide an index to contributed papers submitted to the Snowmass Proceedings. These papers may include documents on specific scientific areas, technical articles presenting new results on relevant physics topics, and reasoned expressions of physics priorities (“white papers”), including those related to community involvement.

The formal deadline for submitting contributed papers–March 15, 2022–has passed. See more information here. However, we will continue to accept papers up to September 7, 2022. Papers contributed from here on are probably too late to be considered in the Topical Group reports, but they may still add new ideas to the Snowmass discussions. All contributed papers will remain part of the permanent record of Snowmass.

More ephemeral articles, including the 2-page “Letters of Interest”, should be presented through a different process, explained here. LoIs are not required to submit contributed papers.

Index to Submitted Papers, by Frontier

Instructions for submitting to the Snowmass Proceedings

To submit a paper to the proceedings:

  1. Post it on the arXiv in the appropriate subject class. Write in the Comments box of the arXiv submission: “contribution to Snowmass 2021”.
  2. Fill out the form at:

Submission form

This will notify the proceedings editor Michael Peskin with a simple and perfectly adequate submission email, and it will also add your submission to a database that we can use to check the completeness of the final volume.

Do not submit papers that have been published elsewhere. We expect that contributed papers will appear uniquely in these proceedings.

We strongly encourage the authors to include a brief Executive Summary for the benefit of the Snowmass conveners. A long white paper without an Executive Summary will not be effective. If needed, please check with your frontier conveners for any specific instructions.

Contributed papers are already being accepted. At the end of the Snowmass 2022 study, in the fall of 2022, we will harvest the current versions of arXiv papers contributed to Snowmass and store them on the permanent proceedings web site. Until that time, please feel free to update your article on the arXiv as your study progresses. The papers linked here will reflect the current pdf version.

Note that there is a minimal standard for postings on the arXiv: Posted papers must be finished and readable scholarly articles. The arXiv monitors will reject papers that they deem not “refereeable”.

This index is being maintained by Michael Peskin (mpeskin AT If you have any difficulty with the placement of your paper in the index or with any other issue, please send him an email. If your submission is not accepted by the arXiv, please email Michael and he will try to find a solution.

Some Technicalia

Format for a link from the wiki page to an arXiv article. This retrieves Sheldon Glashow's article for the Snowmass 2013 proceedings:

S. L. Glashow, “Particle Physics in the United States, a Personal View”, arXiv:1305.5482 [hep-ph] (pdf).

LaTeX template for a Snowmass 2021 submission, given as a tar file . This format is just an example; it is not required.

LaTeX macro to apply a Snowmass 2021 brand to your paper:

\vskip 0.1in Submitted to the  Proceedings of the US Community Study\\ 
on the Future of Particle Physics (Snowmass 2021)\\ 
\rule{\hsize}{0.01in}\\\rule[+0.2in]{\hsize}{0.01in} \end{center}}
submissions/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/18 00:46 by mpeskin