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TF10: Quantum Information Science

Co-Conveners: Simon Catterall (Syracuse), Roni Harnik (FNAL), Veronika Hubeny (UCD)


This subtopic explores aspects of quantum information theory that are relevant for high energy physics. This involves developing algorithms to quantum simulate strongly coupled field theories, developing novel approaches to probing fundamental physics using quantum systems and sensors, as well as exploring the connection between entanglement, quantum information and holography.

Subtopics to be explored:

  • Novel approaches to probing fundamental physics with quantum systems, including searches for dark matter, new interactions beyond the SM, and gravitational waves.
  • Quantum simulation of strongly coupled quantum field theories in real time and/or finite density, including scalar theories, abelian and non-abelian gauge theories.
  • Developing new representations of QFTs suitable for quantum computation eg. quantum link models, Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory and tensor networks.
  • New classical algorithms for QFT computations eg. Tensor renormalization group.
  • Exploring connections between tensor networks, tessellations of anti-deSitter space and holography.
  • Role of entanglement structure in holography: emergence of spacetime and gravitational dynamics (within as well as beyond the classical limit), storage and evolution of quantum information in gravitational systems, insights into origin and fate of the universe.

Submitted LOI

Here is the list of submitted LOIs to this topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

theory/quantum.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/13 13:35 by chekanov

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