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UF02 - Underground Facilities for Cosmic Frontier

Topical Co-Conveners:

  • Scott Hertel (U Mass Amherst) scottahertel[at] - Low mass DM
  • Kaixuan Ni (UC San Diego) nikx[at] - LXe DM
  • Emilija Pantic (UC Davis) pantic[at] - LAr DM

Liaisons from Cosmic Frontier:

  • Jodi Cooley (SMU) cooley[at]
  • Hugh Lippincott (UC Santa Barbara) hlippincott[at]

Liaison from Instrumentation Frontier:

  • Eric Dahl (Northwestern) cdahl[at]


UF02 seeks to understand the needs for future direct detection of dark matter in underground facilities.


  • Topical email list:
  • Topical Slack channel:

Topical Workspace

Area for UF02 Topical Group and community resources, meeting links, etc.

Submitted LOIs

Here is the list of submitted LOIs that include UF02 as primary or secondary topic. First index before “/” corresponds to the primary frontier used for the submission.

<hidden click here to view LoIs submitted to this frontier> </hidden>

underground/uf02_cosmic.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/18 13:20 by john.orrell