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Core Initiatives

The Snowmass Early Career Core Initiatives cover the Inreach, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and Long-Term Organization efforts to engage the early career community, ensure representation on all fronts, and provide structure and an institution of solidarity, as well as continuity leading into the next Snowmass Process.

If you have any questions or concerns about SEC or interfacing with the Snowmass Frontier Conveners, you are welcome to contact Core Initiatives leadership and/or the DPF Executive Committee representatives.

Core Initiatives Leadership

Name Institution Email
Joshua BarrowMIT; Tel Aviv Universityjbarrow[at]
Tiffany LewisNASA Goddardtiffanylewisphd[at]
Kristi EngelUniversity of Maryland, College Park; LANLkristi.engel23[at]
Sara SimonFermi National Accelerator Laboratorysimon.sara.m[at]
Amber RoepeUniversity of Oklahoma; CERNamber.roepe[at]
Garvita AgarwalUniversity at Buffalo; CERNgarvitaa[at]
Fernanda PsihasFermi National Accelerator Laboratorypsihas[at]
Jorge TorresYale Universityjorge.torresespinosa[at]
young/sec_core_initiatives.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/08 11:04 by kristi.engel