Dataset: "gev380ee_pythia6_zpole_ee"

Summary Comments
Name: gev380ee_pythia6_zpole_ee
DOI identifier: 10.34664/1575672 ( link)
Collisions: e+e-
CM Energy: 0.38 TeV
Entry ID: 262
Topic: SM
Generator: PYTHIA6
Calculation level: LO+PS+hadronisation
Process: Z boson to e+e-
Total events: 500000
Number of files: 500
Cross section (σ): 0.7249 ± 0.0229 pb Estimated from file Nr 1
Luminosity (L): 6.897E+05 pb-1   (or)   689.7286 fb-1   (or)   0.6897 ab-1
Format: ProMC
Truth record URL: Status: Available
EVGEN size: 0.218 GB
  Reconstruction tag Tags:
Fast simulation:
Full simulation: rfull210 | Info
- / 0.00 GB
 rfull201 | Info
355 / 10.21 GB
 rfull101 | Info
465 / 7.89 GB
Fast/Full size: 18.10 GB
Record slimmed: No
Events weighted: No
Submission time: Mon Feb 13 19:45:34 UTC 2017
Updated on: Sat Sep 16 0:45:45 UTC 2017
PYTHIA version 6.4. Z production (Zpole) with decays to e+e-. Other details in the log file.

File metadata:
ProMC version: 4; Nr events: 1000; Varint E: 1000000; Varint L: 10000; Logfile: logfile.txt; Last modified: 2017-02-03 15:28:04; Settings: PYTHIA-6.4.28; MSEL 0 0 0 ! mix events; NTOT 0 0 1000 ! Number of events; ECME 0 0 380.0 ! CM energy (GeV); IRND 0 0 153098 ! random seed; MSEL 0 0 0 ! all mixed events; PMAS 6 1 172.5 !; PMAS 23 1 91.1876 ! Z boson mass; PMAS 24 1 80.3850 ! W boson mass; PMAS 25 1 125. ! Higgs mass; MSUB 1 0 1 ! ffbar to Z; MSTP 43 0 2 ! Z only, no gamma; MDME 174 1 0 ! D D~; MDME 175 1 0 ! U U~; MDME 176 1 0 ! S S~; MDME 177 1 0 ! C C~; MDME 178 1 0 ! B B~; MDME 179 1 0 ! T T~; MDME 182 1 1 ! E- E+; MDME 183 1 0 ! NU_E NU_E~; MDME 184 1 0 ! MU+ MU-; MDME 185 1 0 ! NU_MU+ NU_MU-; MDME 186 1 0 ! TAU- TAU+; MDME 187 1 0 ! NU_TAU- NU_TAU+; PARJ 71 0 10 ! ctau=10mm; MSTJ 22 0 2 !;

Nr Analysis code Output image Output data


JDAT file
Author: S.Chekanov
