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Community Planning Meeting (virtual)

Over the next year, the particle physics community will be engaged in Snowmass 2021, an in-depth process to define the most important questions for our field and to identify promising opportunities to address these questions in a global context.

The primary goal of the Community Planning Meeting is to develop plans and steps to take (“Snowmass Planning”) between October 2020 and the Snowmass Community meeting in July 2021, leading to a final report in October 2021.

Other goals include:

  • Inspire the community about the field, and encourage them to engage broadly in the Snowmass process
  • Inform the community about plans from other regions and from related fields and about current and planned Snowmass activities broadly
  • Listen to the community
  • Provide space for members across the field to talk to each other, and to discuss, promote and develop new ideas
  • Establish cross working-group connections and identify gaps

Dates and Times, and Registration

  • Monday, October 5 - Thursday, October 8, 2020

Program (Indico)

  • Oct. 5, 12:00-17:00 EDT (Plenary): Introduction, Inspiring talk about the field, Plans in other regions and in related fields, Remarks from DOE and NSF, Community voices including voices from national labs.
  • Oct. 6, 12:00-17:00 EDT (Parallel): Organized Breakout Sessions and Unorganized Chat Rooms
  • Oct. 7, 12:00-17:00 EDT (Parallel): Organized Breakout Sessions and Unorganized Chat Rooms
  • Oct. 8, 10:00-11:00 EDT (Plenary): Global Accelerator Facilities for Future Particle Physics - Panel Discussion
  • Oct. 8, 12:00-17:00 EDT (Plenary): Report from Early Careers, Reports from Frontiers - Summaries of Breakout Sessions and Nest Steps, Inspiring talk about community engagement

Local Organizing Committee

  • Members: Jonathan Asaadi, Sapta Bhattacharya, Zoltan Gecse, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Bo Jayatilaka (co-chair), Brendan Kiburg (co-chair), Erica Snider, Tiziana Spina, Gordon Watts, Yuanyuan Zhang
  • Registration is coming soon.

Program Committee Members

  • Snowmass Steering Group: Young-Kee Kim, Tao Han, Joel Butler, Prisca Cushman, Sergei Nagaitsev, Yury Kolomensky, Glennys Farrar, Gabriela Gonzales
  • Frontier Conveners: Laura Reina (EF), Patrick Huber (NF), Marina Artuso (RF), Aaron Chou (CF), Aida El-Khadra (TF), Tor Raubenheimer (AF), Jinlong Zhang (IF), Oliver Gutsche (CompF), John Orrell (UF), Breese Quinn (CommF)
  • Early Careers: Vishvas Pandey (postdoc), Joshua Barrow (graduate student)
  • Local Organizing Committee (Ex-officio Members): Bob Jayatilaka, Brendan Kiburg

Program Committee Meetings

CPM 2012 Indico

2020_oct_cpm.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/31 12:06 by ykkim