Software developed at HEP ANL
- Jas4pp
(JAS3- and AIDA compliant analysis program for particle physics
- HepJet
(implementation of kT, anti-KT and CA jet algorithms (C++ and Java)
- HepSim
(A public database with Monte Carlo simulation samples for HEP)
- NPFinder
(Non-parametric peak finder algorithm)
- StatShape
(Jet-shape calculations using a linear regression)
- SpartyJet (jet-algorithm library)
- ArCond
(Tier3 condor-based front-end for a PC farm)
- jCondor
(a Java monitoring GUI for the Condor-based PC farm)
- RunMC (Monte Carlo analysis framework)
- DataMelt computation environment (contributions with HEP packages)
- ProMC
(Input/output file format using variable-number of bytes)
- Map2RMMC
(mapping data to RMM structures)
- ADFilter - anomaly detection filter for the LHC (ATLAS)
Useful links
Atlas analysis
Atlas software
Distributed Analysis