- Jinlong Zhang (group leader)
- Sergei Chekanov
- Sasha Paramonov
- Luongo, Nicholas (PostDoc)
- Jessica Metcalfe
- Christine McLean
- Joaquin Hoya (Post Doc)
- Smita Darmora (PostDoc)
- Doyeong Kim (PostDoc)
Software and Computing group
- Peter van Gemmeren
- Alaettin Serhan Mete
- Frank Berghaus
Electronics group support
- Tim Cundiff
- Riccardo Luz
- Marco Trovato
- Tong Xu
Administrative Assistants
- Zack Arneson (zarneson (AT) - group's
- Nancy Rezek (nrezek (AT) - Division's
Active STA members
- Jimmy Proudfoot
Former members of the group
- Bob Blair
- Larry Nodulman
- Bob Stanek
- Yiming Abulaiti (PostDoc)
- Tanvi Wamorkar (Post Doc)
- Vangelis Kourlitis (PostDoc)
- Vallary Bhopatkar (PostDoc)
- Tom LeCompte (retired)
- Jeremy Love (with DOE)
- Evan Sather (Linux system administrator)
- Ben Auerbach (Post Doc, 2010-2013)
- Lily Asquith (Post Doc, 2010-2013)
- Belen Salvachua (Post-Doc, 2008-2011)
- Esteban Fullana (Post-Doc, 2009,2012)
- Larry Price (retired)
- Rik Yoshida (division director)
- Eric Feng (at CERN)
- Duong Nguyen
- Ryu Soo (in Samsung)
- Rui Wang
- Sasha Vanyashin
- David Mallon
- Jack
- Doug Benjamin